Columbiana County Fair market livestock sale results

Columbiana County Fair grand champion project steer
Hannah Jarvis raised this year’s grand champion project steer, which includes placement in the animal conformation class, showmanship and skillathon. Her Division II reserve champion 1,291-pound steer was also the grand champion Columbiana County born and raised steer, and Jarvis was the senior steer showmanship winner and steer showman of showmen. (Susan Crowell photo)

The junior fair market livestock and cheese sale was held Aug. 6 and 8. Here’s a look at some of the champions.

(Scroll down to see a slide show of the winners’ photos; click on individual youth names to see larger photo)


Number of Lots: 44
Average: $1,281.82/basket with champions

Grand champion cheese yield: Cody Cooper
Bid: $2,100/basket
Buyer: Salem Chrysler Jeep Dodge and Columbiana Chrysler Jeep Dodge

Reserve champion cheese yield: Colby Cooper
Bid: $1,750/basket
Buyer: Sugarcreek Livestock, Baker Cattle Co.


Number of Lots: 103

Grand champion: Levi Blake
Bid: $4/pound              Weight: 643 pounds
Buyer: K&S Millwrights, Parker Farms

Reserve champion: Alex Campbell
Bid: $8.50/pound              Weight: 585 pounds
Buyer: MAC Trailer Manufacturing

Bantam showmanship: Olivia Grubbs
Junior showmanship: Kirstin Smith
Intermediate showmanship: Emma Egli
Senior showmanship/showman of showmen: Hannah Jarvis


Number of Market Lots: 58

Grand champion: Mackenzie Kiko
Bid: $7/pound              Weight: 1,372 pounds
Buyer: Paris & Washington Insurance

Reserve champion: Madison Pidgeon
Bid: $5/pound              Weight: 1,267 pounds
Buyer: Deerfield Farms Service

Grand champion carcass: Mitchell Sharp
Bid: $4.25/pound              Weight: 1,355 pounds
Buyer: Orange Leaf Frozen Yogurt

Reserve champion carcass: Emily McDonald
Bid: $3.75/pound              Weight: 1,305 pounds
Buyer: Pidgeon Family Farms

Grand champion steer project/Champion Columbiana County born and raised: Hannah Jarvis
Bid: $4/pound              Weight: 1,291 pounds
Buyer: MAC Trailer Mfg.

Reserve champion steer project: Megan Drake
Bid: $4/pound              Weight: 1,262 pounds
Buyer: Spring Hollow Trucking

Bantam showmanship: Madison Cope
Junior showmanship: Cody Cope
Intermediate showmanship: Megan Drake
Senior showmanship/showman of showmen: Hannah Jarvis
Bantam skillathon: Olivia Short
Junior skillathon: Wyatt Miller
Intermediate skillathon: Sarah Jarvis
Senior skillathon: Megan Drake


Number of Market Lots: 181
Average: $3.46/pound with champions

Grand champion: Tucker Kiko
Bid: $16.50/pound Weight: 276 pounds
Buyer: Paris/Washington Insurance

Reserve champion exhibitor: Alexa Baker
Bid: $11/pound Weight: 268 pounds
Buyer: Salem and Columbiana Chrysler Jeep Dodge

Grand champion carcass: Macee Mercure
Bid: $6.50/pound Weight: 267 pounds
Buyer: Row Services, LLC. and RL Landscape Group

Reserve champion carcass: Sydnie Holden
Bid: $7/pound Weight: 261 pounds
Buyer: West Point Paving

Outstanding youth hog project: Lainey Mercure
Bid: $6/pound Weight: 270 pounds
Buyer: Greg Burbick Farms

Reserve outstanding youth hog project: Mackenzie Kiko
Bid: $4/pound Weight: 251 pounds
Buyer: Hanover Farms


Number of Market Lots: 36
Average: $3.38/pound with champions

Grand champion: Bridget Hilliard
Bid: $6/pound Weight: 141 pounds
Buyer: Ramsey Hoof Trimming

Reserve champion: Margaret McNicol
Bid: $6/pound Weight: 158 pounds
Buyer: Pure Gold Stables

Grand champion carcass: Sarah Jarvis
Bid: $4.85/pound Weight: 120 pounds
Buyer: Kiko Meats

Reserve champion carcass: Brooke Fritz
Bid: $2.25/pound Weight: 113 pounds
Buyer: Birkhimer Sheep Farm


Number of Market Lots: 22
Average: $3.25/pound with champions

Grand champion/outstanding project: Emmy Jones

Bid: $7/pound Weight: 84 pounds
Buyer: Columbiana County Farm Bureau/Lamb and Webster, Inc.

Reserve champion: Hannah Hephner
Bid: $3.25/pound Weight: 86 pounds
Buyer: Bob Black and Family, Hanoverton Feed and Grain, Rogers Feed and DataCom


Number of Pens of Three: 10
Average: $166.50 with champions

Grand champion: Cody Wright
Bid: $150/per rabbit Weight: 14.01 pounds
Buyer: Penn Ohio Rabbit Breeders

Reserve champion: Ashley Wright
Bid: $90/per rabbit Weight: 15.37 pounds
Buyer: Feo Farm Kennels


Number of Pens: 11
Average: $66.36 with champions

Grand champion: Kylie Youst
Bid: $125 Weight: 4.72 pounds
Buyer: A Feel for Life Massotherapy

Reserve champion: Mickalia Ayers
Bid: $150 Weight: 5.29 pounds
Buyer: Penn Ohio Rabbit Breeders


Number of baskets: 6
Average: $279.17 with champions

Grand champion: Michael French
Bid: $400 Weight: 4.75 pounds
Buyer: Mattevi Farms

Reserve champion: Darby Miller
Bid: $325/pound Weight: 7.50 pounds
Buyer: Wallace Farms Feed and DriveThru


Number of Lots: 34
Average: $176.62/with champions

Grand champion: Hannah Foster

Bid: $350
Buyer: Martin’s Tire

Reserve champion: Hannah Altman
Bid: $200
Buyer: Roger’s Mill Inc.

Auctioneers and Ringmen:
Ken Baer, Bill Baer, Wade Baer, Mark Harding, Chip Rummell, Rusty Kiko, Randall Kiko, Rudy Kiko, Ryan Kiko

Junior Fair Royalty:

King: Albert Ayers    Queen: Hannah Foster

* The grand and reserve champion project award is based on the exhibitor’s skillathon, showmanship and live animal conformation.

Columbiana County Fair reserve champion carcass steer(Farm and Dairy/Susan Crowell photo)

Tarry and Sharon Pidgeon, of Pidgeon Family Farms, paid $3.75 a pound for Emily McDonald’s reserve champion carcass steer. Also pictured is Beef Ambassador Betty Richey.
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Columbiana County Fair reserve champion carcass steer(Farm and Dairy/Susan Crowell photo)

Tarry and Sharon Pidgeon, of Pidgeon Family Farms, paid $3.75 a pound for Emily McDonald’s reserve champion carcass steer. Also pictured is Beef Ambassador Betty Richey.
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Columbiana County Fair grand champion dairy beef feeder

Chuck Parker (left), Parker Farms, and Gary Irwin, K&S Millwrights, paid $4 a pound for Levi Blake’s 643-pound grand champion dairy beef feeder calf.
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Columbiana County Fair reserve dairy beef feeder

Alex Campbell’s 583-pound reserve champion dairy beef feeder sold for $8.50 a pound to MAC Trailer Manufacturing, represented by Chad Raber, Rachel Raber and Julia Ray. Also pictured is trophy donor Wayne Herron and fair royalty Hannah Foster and Maris Ayers.
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Columbiana County Fair grand champion carcass steer

Mitchell Sharp’s grand champion carcass steer, weighing 1,355 pounds, sold for $4.25 a pound to Orange Leaf Frozen Yogurt, represented by Abbey Bacconi and Bryan Boyle. Also pictured is Beef Ambassador Betty Richey.
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Columbiana County Fair grand champion cheese

Salem Chrysler Jeep Dodge and Columbiana Chrysler Jeep Dodge, represented by Paul Lease (holding trophy), paid $2,100 for Cody Cooper’s grand champion cheese basket. Also pictured is Columbiana County Dairy Princess Courtney Cooper, and a crew from Minerva Dairy, which has calculated the cheese yields and donated the cheese for many years.
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Columbiana County Fair grand champion dairy beef feeder

Levi Blake raised the grand champion dairy beef feeder calf.
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Columbiana County Fair grand champion steer

Paris & Washington Insurance, represented by Kelly Palmer (right), paid $7 a pound for Mackenzie Kiko’s 1,372-pound grand champion steer. Also pictured are Rhonda and Barry Pidgeon of trophy donor Damascus Livestock Auction.
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Columbiana County Fair reserve champion cheese

Colby Cooper’s reserve champion cheese basket sold for $1,750 to Sugarcreek Livestock Auction and Baker Cattle Company, represented by Brady, Nikki and Baylee Baker. Also pictured, representing Minerva Cheese, are Vivian Watts, Venae Watts, holding Charlize Watts and Adam Mueller.
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Columbiana County Fair reserve champion steer

Madison Pidgeon sold her 1,267-pound reserve champion steer to Deerfield Farms Service, represented by Bryan Boyle, for $5 a pound.
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Columbiana County Fair reserve champion project steer

Megan Drake, who won intermediate steer showmanship and the senior steer skillathon, won reserve champion project steer honors with her steer weighing 1,262 pounds.
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Columbiana County Fair grand champion project steer

Hannah Jarvis raised this year’s grand champion project steer, which includes placement in the animal conformation class, showmanship and skillathon. Her Division II reserve champion 1,291-pound steer was also the grand champion Columbiana County born and raised steer, and Jarvis was the senior steer showmanship winner and steer showman of showmen.
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Columbian rs ch carcass hog2

The reserve champion carcass hog title was earned by Sydnie Holden who sold her 261 pound hog carcass for $7 a pound to West Point Paving. Pictured is Mike Hoppel and Tenelle Hoppel representing West Point Paving.
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Columbiana gr ch dairy goat fudge2

The grand champion dairy goat fudge was produced by a goat owned by Michael French. The goat produced enough milk for 4.75 pounds of fudge which sold for $400. The fudge was sold to Mattevi Farms. Pictured is Carrie Mattevi and Taylor Kelm.
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Columbiana rs ch carcass lamb

Brooke Fritz produced the reserve champion carcass lamb which garnered $2.25 a pound. The reserve champion carcass lamb was purchased by Birkhimer Sheep Farm. Pictured is Colette Birkhimer.
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Columbiana gr ch market rabbit

The grand champion market rabbit was raised by Cody Wright at this year’s Columbiana County Fair. Wright’s rabbit pen of three weighing 14.01 pounds sold for $150 per rabbit. Penn Ohio Rabbit Breeders purchased the pen. Pictured is Dan Matthews.
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Columbiana rs ch hog

Alexa Baker produced the reserve champion market hog which weighed 268 pounds and sold for $11 a pound to Salem and Columbiana Chrysler Jeep Dodge. Pictured is Paul Lease who was representing the dealership.
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Columbiana gr ch carcass lamb

The grand champion carcass lamb was raised by Sarah Jarvis. Jarvis garnered $4.85 a pound for her lamb which was purchased by Kiko Meats. Pictured is Steve Kiko and 2015 Columbiana County Sheep and Wool Ambassador Becca Bock.
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Columbiana rs ch market rabbit

Ashley Wright sold her reserve champion pen of market rabbits which weighed 15.37 pounds to Feo Farm Kennels for $90 per rabbit. Pictured is Autumn Feo, of Feo Farm Kennels.
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Columbiana gr ch market fryer rabbit

The grand champion pen of market fryer rabbits weighing 4.72 pounds was raised by Kylie Youst. The pen of rabbits sold for $125 to A Feel for Life Massotherapy. Pictured is Amanda Moore McKenzie and her niece, Peyton Muirhead.
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Columbiana gr ch carcass hog

Macee Mercure raised this year’s grand champion carcass hog which weighed 267 pounds and sold for $6.50 a pound to Row Services, LLC. and RL Landscape Group, Inc. Pictured is Spender Rohr and Dan Rohr representing the businesses.
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Columbiana Gr ch dairy goat fudge

The grand champion dairy goat fudge was produced by a goat owned by Michael French. The goat produced enough milk for 4.75 pounds of fudge which sold for $400. The fudge was sold to Mattevi Farms. Pictured is Carrie Mattevi and Taylor Kelm.
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Columbiana rs ch fryer rabbit

The reserve champion pen of market fryer rabbits weighing 5.29 pounds was raised by Mickalia Ayers and sold for $150 to Penn Ohio Rabbit Breeders. Pictured is Dan Matthews.
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Columbiana Rs ch goat

Hannah Hephner raised this year’s reserve champion goat which weighed 86 pounds and sold for $3.25 to Bob Black and Family, Hanoverton Feed and Grain, Rogers Feed and DataCom. Pictured is Cindy Black, Kaitlyn Black and Krystal Campbell.
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Columbiana gr ch turkey

Hannah Foster raised the grand champion turkey at this year’s fair. Foster garnered $350 for her turkey. She also won outstanding youth project for her turkey. Her bird was sold to Martin’s Tire which was represented by Martin Nemenz.
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Columbiana gr ch market lamb

The grand champion lamb was raised by Bridget Hilliard and sold for $6 a pound to Ramsey Hoof Trimming. Pictured is Joe Ramsey, owner of Ramsey Hoof Trimming and 2015 Columbiana County Sheep and Wool Ambassador Becca Bock.
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Columbiana rs ch turkey

The reserve champion turkey was raised by Hannah Altman which was purchased for $200. She also brought home the title of reserve outstanidng turkey rpoject. The bird was purchased by Bob Black and Family and Roger’s Mill. Representing the mill was Tom Sutton and Keith Hebron.
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Columbiana rs ch dairy goat fudge

Darby Miller’s goat produced the reserve champion dairy goat fudge at this year’s Columbiana County Fair. Miller garnered $325 for 7.50 pounds of dairy goat fudge which was sold to Wallace Farms Feed and DriveThru. Pictured is Dave Donkin, Frosty Autumn Farm and buyers Paul and Jenny Wallace.
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Columbiana rs ch market lamb

Margaret McNicol raised this year’s reserve champion market lamb which sold for $6 a pound to Pure Gold Stables. Pictured is Sara Campbell and Candace Hill representing Pure Gold Stables and 2015 Columbiana County Sheep and Wool Ambassador Becca Bock.
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Columbiana gr ch market lamb

The grand champion lamb was raised by Bridget Hilliard and sold for $6 a pound to Ramsey Hoof Trimming. Pictured is Joe Ramsey, owner of Ramsey Hoof Trimming and 2015 Columbiana County Sheep and Wool Ambassador Becca Bock.
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Columbiana gr outstanding project

Lainey Mercure raised this year’s outstanding youth hog project which weighed 270 pounds. Mercure sold her hog for $6 a pound to Greg Burbick Farms.
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Columbiana rs oustanding project

McKenzie Kiko brought home the title of reserve outstanding youth hog project which weighed 251 pounds. Kiko sold her hog for $4 a pound to Hanover Farms.

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