Monday, May 20, 2024
Week in Review 4/4

This week’s top stories include a calf born with its heart in its throat, the reality of poverty and hardship in southeastern Kentucky, the best fruits and vegetables for self-sufficiency, USDA crop insurance deadline information and perspectives on 2015 dairy prices.
Dickie Bird Farm chick

Ask a dozen a poultry enthusiasts what the best breed of chicken is and you’ll get a dozen different answers.
Lake Erie Algae

New law will prohibit manure and fertilizer application to frozen and snow-covered ground in the western Lake Erie basin.

Donniella Winchell’s credentials when she helped form the Ohio Wine Producers Association in the mid-1970s were rather limited. But she grew up among a family of wine-making aficionados.

Cows in Holmes County make milk. And they make a lot of it, for a long time.
Jane Frankenberger of Purdue

A Purdue project is looking at the economic and environmental benefits and costs of storing water on farms. The project will also address the issues of farm nutrients draining from fields and causing problems downstream.
corn planter

The March 31 USDA Planting Intentions Report finds U.S. farmers expect to plant record-high soybean acreage in 2015.

With careful planning, burning pasture can produce numerous benefits.

With 150 registered attendees at its first visit to the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center, the Ohio State College of Food, Agriculture and Environmental Science’s Living the Small Farm Dream small farm conference March 28 was a success, organizers said.

Today is the day of the landmark USDA Planting Intentions Report. Everyone's waiting for the noon hour release!