Farm and Dairy’s week in review: 4/4

Week in Review 4/4

Here are this week’s top stories from Farm and Dairy:

1. Calf born with heart in its throat

A rare condition causing the heart to form outside the chest and in the sternum area was discovered in a calf on Longview Farm in Washington, Pennsylvania. The calf’s owner, Tom Leech, contacted his vet, who said that the calf’s sternum most likely didn’t form completely, or the calf could be missing some ribs.

As of now, “Cardio Brisket,” as the calf has been named, will be a barn calf but will still be raised like other steers being led to market.

2. Lend a helping hand

The economic state of Harlan County, Kentucky, reflects that of much of southeastern Kentucky. The closing of coal mines in recent years have left little opportunity for employment, and many people are struggling to heat their homes and feed their families.

In order to help the residents of Harlan County, donations of food, clothing, books, basic home repair supplies, gardening tools and other items that will lead to self-sufficiency. Volunteer work is also needed to bring relief and to complete projects.

3. Homestead heroes: best fruits and vegetables for self-sufficiency

Online columnist Ivory Harlow explains how she’s turned her small farm into a self-sufficient operation. By growing fruits and vegetables that are high-yielding, hearty and dependable, she’s been able to sustain her farm and open a market garden.

4. USDA extends crop program deadlines until April 7

Now, farmers have until April 7 to sign up for Agricultural Risk Coverage (ARC) or Price Loss Coverage (PLC).

If a farmer doesn’t choose either ARC or PLC by April, the farm’s current yield and base acres will be used. Also, the farm will default to PLC coverage for the 2015 to 2018 crop years.

5. Dairy price swings should balance out

By looking at the major factors that influence dairy prices, Ohio State University Extension dairy specialist Normand St-Pierre says that we can get an idea of which way dairy prices are headed in the future.

Taking futures Class III and IV prices, the New Zealand drought, China’s dairy supply and the Russian economy into consideration, dairy prices should, for the most part, remain the same for the duration of 2015.