Tuesday, May 7, 2024
goat simulator screen shot

If it sounds like a joke, that's because it started as one. Now, however, the game studio behind the project is releasing the game to satisfy ravenous gamers around the world. Behold: Goat Simulator.

As a percentage of total U.S. production, we are now exporting more dairy products than corn. (We exported the equivalent of 31.2 billion pounds of milk, or more than the total annual milk production from New York, Ohio and Pennsylvania combined.)

Coming off a booming year, lower farm income expectations in 2014 will slow sales of John Deere agricultural machinery in the U.S. and Canada. Deere expects sales to be down 5 to 10 percent for the year.

More research needs to be done to further understand how all beta-agonists on the market work in cattle feeding.

A third plan for the proposed severance tax may be on its way to the Ohio Statehouse.

EAST CANTON, Ohio — Imagine being responsible for six children, 132 dairy cattle and 400 acres on a daily basis. Some would say it is...

As the region continues to experience one of the coldest, snowiest winters in recent years, growers and producers can take measures to ensure their safety in increasingly hazardous outdoor conditions.

U.S. propane inventories are nearly 44 percent lower than a year ago, and, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, the average U.S. price for propane hit a record two weeks ago, up $1.05 to $4.01 a gallon. The propane supply is rebounding, but it is going to cost consumers.
man shoveling snow

This winter has been a doozy. If you're handy, here's a couple of ways to make your life in snowy weather a bit easier.

Rising immigrant population means more interest in meat goats, various holidays.