Saturday, May 18, 2024

ABC's reality television show "Shark Tank" has been putting capitalist dreams on television for five seasons, but one episode has really taken off.

How a 17th century question of how the brain works shows what's important when it comes to communicating with dogs well.

Improve farm safety by creating a job safety analysis that provides a written protocol for hazardous jobs and a safe step-by-step way to handle them.
harvesting soybeans

Despite hopes that Nov. 8 USDA reports would challenge ideas about crop size and change prices, the numbers changed little, and the market remains stagnant.

J-RA Holsteins is located just miles from the Ohio border in Adamsville, Pennsylvania.

Spring planting season is right around the corner and now is the time to pull out your planters and get them ready.

The soil is very important to a farm sustaining itself and to understand how the soil can be improved, The Soil Health Partnership is being created.

NASHVILLE, Tenn. -- As cattle supplies remain tight and global demand intensifies profitability for cattle ranchers will continue in the year ahead, CattleFax analysts...

Ohio care board continues to finalize draft of euthanasia standards for livestock.
Spotted Lanternfly life stages

Spotted lanternflies have infested much of the Pennsylvania and other parts of the eastern U.S., and have moved West into other states, like Ohio. But while spotted lanternflies present a threat to some crops, it’s important to take a step back and look at their actual impact.