Thursday, May 2, 2024
Spotted lanternfly

Ohio Department of Agriculture announced a spotted lanternfly quarantine in Jefferson and Cuyahoga counties in Ohio where there are established populations.
Pumpkins on display tables at a pumpkin show.

It’s been an atypical year for the Circleville Pumpkin Show. Like many festivals and fairs around Ohio, the show was mostly put on hold for 2020. But that didn’t seem to put a dent in enthusiasm when it returned Oct. 20, in downtown Circleville, Ohio.

Corn and soybean harvests have been on pace with early estimates, while grain prices remain strong and trade conditions favor American commodities.
vaccine card

County fairs and ag events had few takers for COVID vaccine clinics. But organizers say one more shot is better than none in the fight against COVID.
jack-o-lanterns made from potatoes

Jack-o-lanterns date back centuries, but they weren't always carved using pumpkins. Discover the origins of the jack-o-lantern and how to carve an original.
woman walking

In these trying times, Rebecca Miller wouldn’t mind standing in a field with other similarly overwhelmed folks and letting loose with a good yell right now.
Stacey Stangel

Central State and Ohio State University Extension educators are offering training sessions to help people recognize and respond to mental health concerns.
A combine harvesting corn.

Now that the U.S. has weaned itself off of its reliance on liquid fuel from across the ocean, it’s battling a dependency of another kind as the transition from fossil fuels to renewables continues.

It’s not easy for rural residents who already buy into all the benefits renewables, electric vehicles and energy efficiency have to offer. For those who are less willing, or less able, it could be impossible, at least without help.
Lake Erie

Discover how the glaciers that once covered two-thirds of Ohio created habitats for both humans and wildlife and how that's still evident today.