Thursday, May 2, 2024
Spotted lanternfly

A population of the invasive spotted lanternfly has been found on the east side of Cleveland. The initial discovery was made Aug. 26.
Grand Champion Ducks

Find all the results for the 2021 Cuyahoga County Fair junior livestock sale here.
people putting chickens into crates

The first year of the pandemic brought new customers to the local food systems. With them came hope and an influx of income for small farmers. But it didn't last.
livestock guardian dogs

Tarma Shena turns to her veteran livestock guardian dogs to help teach her young pups lessons, as she tightens training up before the winter season.
A headshot of Brady Campbell.

Ohio State recently hired Brady Campbell, a fourth-generation sheep and swine farmer and program coordinator for Ohio State’s sheep team, as an assistant professor focused on small ruminant management.

Crabapples are a wild apple variety that is common and widely distributed across the Midwest. Learn how to find and harvest crabapples.
white-tailed deer

The USDA's National Veterinary Services Laboratories confirmed that SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, was found in wild white-tailed deer in Ohio.
Little brown bat

Bats are essential to many ecosystems ranging from rainforests to deserts and are a boon to agriculture. Learn how you can help populations in Ohio.
homesteading garden

Christine Yankel inherited her green thumb from her mother, and cultivates it by growing and selling heirloom varieties of vegetables and other plants from her home, in Washington County, Pennsylvania.
Grand Champion Market Beef

Find all the results and new records for the 2021 Butler Farm Show here.