Hazard a Guess at this Yesteryear Item


Hello from Hazard!
We are moving on from Item No. 1062, since we have received no responses to this item that’s a mystery for Ken Lessing, of Fresno, Ohio, and his neighbor, who found it in a box from an auction. Sorry that we came up short!

Our new item came from the Items of Yesteryear building on the grounds of the Columbiana County Fair. You can find a whole bunch of good stuff with a stroll through the building, which features rural household and farm items and implements.
Do you know how this specialty wire was used?
Email responses to editorial@farmanddairy.com; or respond by mail to: Hazard a Guess, c/o Farm and Dairy, P.O. Box 38, Salem, OH 44460.

We need to build our hazard-ous bank of photos to include in this space. Have an item for Hazard a Guess? Send a 35mm photo or high resolution digital file, along with a description as to size, use and markings, and send it to the address listed above.

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