Hazard a Guess on this metal item!


Hello from Hazard!
You all sure do know what Item 1063 is! The mailbags were overflowing this week.

Several of you let us know that it is check wire for a corn planter.

The following submitted the correct answer: Robert Cresswell, Mount Gilead, Ohio; Robert Herriott, Cortland, Ohio; Elden Villers, Edinburg, Ohio; Nate McNeal, Kimbolton, Ohio; Wendell Douglass, Orrville, Ohio; Richard Hill, Medina, Ohio; Ed Steele, Wadsworth, Ohio; Edward Gardner, Howard, Ohio; C L Mannon, Southington, Ohio; Ronald Gasser, Sterling, Ohio; Eli Miller, Mesopotamia, Ohio; Larry Kreh, Bellevue, Ohio; John Kagy, Bloomville, Ohio; Harold Petre, New Waterford, Ohio; Leonard Kleilein, Lucas, Ohio; Larry Young, Millersburg, Ohio; James Miller, Louisville, Ohio; Linda McDowell, St. Louisville, Ohio; Larry Orwick; Paul A. Miller, Holmesville, Ohio; Mike Barsto; Ron Rayburn, Centerburg, Ohio; and Sam Yoder, Danville, Ohio.

The item came from the Items of Yesteryear building on the grounds of the Columbiana County Fair.

Thank you to all who responded.

We did have a few more guesses come in on Item No. 1062, submitted by Ken Lessing, of Fresno, Ohio, and his neighbor, who found it in a box from an auction.

Marian Lipp, of East Palestine, Ohio, believes it is a pipe wrench. Wendell Cole thinks it could be a trailer hitch.

Item No. 1064 was submitted by Ralph Farnsworth, of New Haven, Vermont. Do you know what it is?

Email responses to editorial@farmanddairy.com; or respond by mail to: Hazard a Guess, c/o Farm and Dairy, P.O. Box 38, Salem, OH 44460; or respond in the comments below.

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