Hazard A Guess: Week of May 1, 2008


Hello from Hazard!

John Frederick of Pittsburgh, Pa., just missed the deadline to get his correct response in last week’s Hazard column.

Frederick knew Item No. 830 was a wall-mounted whip holder. In fact, he’s got one of his own. There’s a small chunk of wood missing from Frederick’s holder, but he said its imperfection helps him appreciate the item’s connection to early rural life.

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We received three guesses on Item No. 831 and all three were right on the money. The item is a device used to clamp lids on 5-gallon steel buckets.

Bob Rachel of Akron, Ohio; Jon Powell and Henry Paul sent correct responses.

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Story Continues Below Photos

For item No. 832, we’re turning once again to Les Howell of Beach City, Ohio. Do you know what this item does?

Send your answers to: Hazard a Guess, P.O. Box 38, Salem, OH 44460; or via e-mail to editorial@farmanddairy.com

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