Hazard A Guess: Week of Nov. 15, 2001


Item # 632 are log rollers used in the mill to position the logs before sawing.

Hello from Hazard!

Another lone guess on Item No. 632, but it confirms what Russ Boughman of Massillon said last week. Item No. 632 are log rollers used in a mill to position the logs before sawing, says Jack Neumeyer of Locust, N.C.

Thanks to both gentlemen for solving our mini-mystery. Troy Pratt, who shared the photo with us, will now be able to sleep at night, knowing what his tools are!

Item No. 633 comes from JoAnn Strother of Nashville, Ohio. She bought this gizmo at an auction, but doesn’t know what it is or does. (Although at the auction, an unsuccessful bidder immediately wanted to buy it, but wouldn’t tell her what it was!)

Any ideas? Send your responses to: Hazard a Guess, P.O. Box 38, Salem, OH 44460; or via e-mail to: editorial@farmanddairy.com.

Don’t forget, you can also check out the most recent week’s Hazard a Guess columns on our Web site, www.farmanddairy.com.

If you’ve got an item you think will puzzle readers, take a clear 35mm photograph (the closer the better, and the more uncluttered the background, the better). Send it, along with a detailed description of the item’s dimensions and use, to the address listed above.

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