Read It Again – Week of Dec. 7, 2000


80 years ago this week.

Eddie Rickenbacker, American ace and Ohio native, flew from Los Angeles to San Francisco, a distance of 341 miles, in three hours and 10 minutes, establishing a new record for the flight.

Farm and Dairy founder and editor R.B. Thompson is convalescing at home after a month-long attack of typhoid fever.

A.W. Green, president of the Supreme Motor Company of Warren, has sold his five stock farms in Windsor and Mesopotamia, totaling 710 acres. J.S. Williams of Indianapolis exchanged the title of a brick apartment house on 42nd Street in Chicago, with 114 apartments and four stores, for the farms.

50 years ago this week.

Prices for milk and dairy products next year will be moderately higher than in 1950. Dominate factor in the 1951 outlook for dairy products is the sharp increase in consumer demand.

Demand for meat animals and some cash crops may increase more than for dairy products. This, together with greater off-farm employment opportunities, may tend to prevent an increase in volume of milk output in some areas during the coming year. Continuation of these relationships beyond 1951 may tend to cause a reduction, particularly in the central portion of the country.

Cow numbers reached a peak in mid-1944 and declined steadily until 1949. They have been essentially stable for the past year and a half. But recently dairy prices have become less favorable relative to beef and hog prices, discouraging increases in cow numbers that appeared to be underway.

25 years ago this week.

Two pioneers of the Ohio Farm Bureau Federation, C.H. Ingraham of Marietta and Mrs. Mildred McNutt of Patterson, were given the federation’s Distinguished Service Awards. Ingraham is a former OFBF trustee and Mrs. McNutt represents an influential agricultural family.

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