USDA acreage reporting deadline is July 15


COLUMBUS — Ohio Farm Service Agency Executive Director Steven Maurer reminds farmers that July 15 is the deadline to file an acreage report for spring seeded crops.

The deadline includes reporting all burley tobacco; cabbage planted March 19 through May 31; corn; grain sorghum; hybrid corn seed; spring oats; popcorn; potatoes; soybeans; sugar beets; tomatoes and all other crops.

The 2014 farm bill requires producers to submit annual acreage reports on all cropland. The deadline date may be different, however, in locations with climates that are warmer or cooler than average. Producers should contact their county FSA office if they are uncertain about acreage reporting deadlines.

Perennial forage crops intended for grazing or haying were required to be reported last fall, whereas perennial forage crops with an intended use of cover only, green manure, left standing, or seed, must be reported by the July 15 deadline.

Maurer said that failed acreage must be reported before the disposition of the crop and that prevented acreage must be reported within 15 calendar days after the final planting date for the applicable crop.

For questions on specific crop reporting deadlines and planting dates, producers should contact their county FSA office.