Sunday, May 5, 2024

Monthly Archives: April 2001

David Kohn, professor of farm management/ag economics at Virginia Polytechnic Institute, offers a few tips to assist in economic belt tightening.

Smithfield Foods board, saying says processing earnings have doubled, votes to increase shares in anticipation of a stock split.

Wireworm, white grub and seed corn maggot are known as secondary insects only because the total economic damage caused by them is low. In some cases, any one of those insects can become a field's primary pest.

The index can be used to predict the risk of phosphorus runoff from pastures fertilized with animal manure or commercial fertilizers

Kansas State University James Mintert expects cash hog prices in the benchmark Iowa-southern Minnesota market this year to average in the low $40s per hundredweight.

With planting season just around the corner, a few hours in the machine shed can save the disappointment of lost yields at harvest.

From the Lewis and Clark expedition to a Civil War military encampment, from Theodore Roosevelt to Frank Kehoe, an Irish coal miner, re-enactors will help Outdoor Heritage visitors catch a glimpse of the past.

Fewer 16- and 17-year-olds were involved in fatal crashes, and fewer were involved in crashes involving alcohol use.

The United States Mint has joined a partnership with H.E. Harris & Co., an Atlanta-based company specializing in collectibles.

A glossary of real estate auction terms, most of which apply to all types of auctions.