Friday, May 3, 2024

Monthly Archives: November 2005

If you're a conventional farm policy person - as most farm leaders and members of Congress are - Daryll Ray is becoming your biggest pain in the neck.

Maybe you consider yourself a good employer. Maybe your employees believe so. Or, maybe not. If you have had difficulty managing employees, it may be useful to learn some things you can do to become a better employer.

Feeling the chill of dreary fall mornings makes it hard to come out from under bedcovers and get a move on.

As if we needed further proof that celebrities are, in fact, pure evil, we have Gwyneth Paltrow nattering on in a recent issue of The British Mirror: "(Having a baby) changed the way I see the world,'' she told a reporter.

ORRVILLE, Ohio - Despite the challenges of low prices, high costs and unruly weather, Bob and Amy Graber see farming as a great way of life and a wonderful place to raise their children, Kyler, 5 and Krystian, 2 1/2.

COSHOCTON, Ohio - The Coshocton Soil and Water District awarded Bill and Caroline Daugherty and family of Fresno the 2004 Outstanding Conservation Farm award at the SWCD's 63rd annual meeting and banquet Oct.

WOOSTER, Ohio - Nitrogen prices have increased significantly over the last five years, and unfortunately it appears as if they will continue to increase at least slightly this coming year, according to Robert Mullen, Ohio State University soil fertility specialist.

COLUMBUS, Ohio - Low grain prices, unfavorable weather and hurricane-related transportation issues have some Ohio growers dragging their feet with corn harvest.

SIOUX FALLS, S.D. - While America's traditional fossil fuel-based energy supply struggles to keep up with demand and mend infrastructure disruptions, U.

WEST MIDDLESEX, Pa. - Susan Tau, a Grange member of the Hayfield Grange No. 88 in Crawford County since age 5, received the 2005 state Granger of the Year award Oct.