Friday, May 17, 2024

Yearly Archives: 2020

A computer with papers stacked on the keyboard.

The new Ohio Broadband Strategy gives Ohio providers a better chance of getting federal funds to expand access, but it's going to take a lot of money to bring broadband to all of rural Ohio.
LGDs and lamb

Winter and spring are unpredictable these days. With predators pushing in and lambing season starting early, the livestock guardian dogs are on their toes.
kids on bikes

Braxton Miller couldn't show his animals at the fair last year after he was injured in a car accident. But he's recovering and getting ready for this year.

After the 1848 treaty ended war with Mexico, and the U.S. received all of Texas above the Rio Grande, a new form of transportation was needed — the camel. 
notebook and pen

Dairy Excel columnist Bonnie Ayars reminds us February is the perfect opportunity to spend some quality time reading and planning.

Kymberly Foster Seabolt ponders how news is being delivered these days, warning readers that social media is not a reliable replacement for journalism.

Outdoorsy Pennsylvanians can soon keep their fishing license in a pocket rather than having to attach it to an outer garment.
barley fields

Marlin Clark explains how the "Groundhog Day" effect is affecting grain markets and offers insight on other factors influencing the markets.
fishing rod

When it comes to the sport of fishing, Kent, Ohio's, most significant claim to fame is a small bug created by William H. Schumman. 

Scott Shalaway details the history of groundhog day and related holidays.