OSU Extension Clinton County to hold drainage workshop

Improved drainage.
An improved drainage ditch system, using two-stage design. (Farm and Dairy file photo)

WILMINGTON, Ohio — Ohio State University Extension Clinton County will hold “Drainage and Water Management for Now and the Future” from 8-11 a.m. on June 18 at Wilmington College, CSA Room 310, 1870 Quaker Way.

Certified Crop Adviser credits will be available. The featured speakers for the event include Vinayak Shedekar, OSU assistant professor and field specialist of agricultural water management, leading the discussion Can Drain Tiles Do More Than Just Drainage?; Bruce Clevenger, OSU Extension field specialist, leading the discussion Farm Management: Farm Drainage Economics-Calculating a Payback Period; Brooks Warner, OSU Extension educator Clinton County, leading a disucssion on farmland lease principals.

Breakfast will be provided. the event is free to attend. To register, call 937-382-0901 or email Brooks Warner at warner.948@osu.edu by June 14. For more information, visit agcrops.osu.edu/events/drainage-and-water-management-now-and-future.