Art exhibition celebrates the Ohio maple culture


CHARDON, Ohio — The West Woods Nature Center is holding its annual art event, Creativity Tapped, Jan. 2,7 from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. located at 9465 Kinsman Road in Russel Township.

New idea

The idea was born several years ago when Teresa Runion discovered a large stash of maple sap buckets in Geauga Park District’s storage building.

“They were no longer in use; the operations department had upgraded the equipment,” said Teresa, the Park District’s special events coordinator.

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“I instantly thought how wonderful it would be to involve this somehow into a community art project.”

The latest exhibition begins with this kick-off event and remains open daily from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. through April 3. More than 70 buckets have gone out to local artists who intend to transform them into works of art.

Any art

There’s also more to the exhibit, than just buckets. All mediums are welcome as long as the end product is maple-inspired: woodcarving, fabric art, photography, jewelry, ceramics or painting.

“This will give people more to see,” Teresa said, “and also give more artists in the community an opportunity to participate.”

For sale

Most exhibition art will be for sale, but the Nature Store will also have smaller items that can be purchased: jewelry, sculptures and more.

As a reward for maple-inspired artists, exhibition visitors can also vote for people’s choice awards.

Pre-registration is not required. The facility is stroller accessible. Those with questions call 440-286-9516.