Carroll Co. Fair receives $100K for new arena

Carroll County Fair

CARROLLTON, Ohio — The Carroll County Agricultural Society has big plans between now and next year’s fair.

A new show arena, that will double as the sale barn, will be built where the current arena stands, also known as the metal barn among locals.

The John H. and Evelyn L. Ashton Preservation Association Inc. has donated $100,000 to support the new building and the fair board is seeking $150,000 in additional funds, said Mike Lozier, the president of the Carroll County fair board.

Send donations to:

Carroll County Agricultural Society
P.O. Box 263
160 Kensington Road NE
Carrollton, OH 44615
Phone: 330-627-2300
Fax: 330-627-0043

“We are very grateful for the foundation’s donation,” Lozier said. “It’s a great starting place.”

“We will have a plan in the next 60 to 90 days and seek bids after that,” he said about the timeline.

The decision to build the new building was made at the June fair board meeting, he said. “But, the idea has been in the wind for some time.”

The plan is for the building to comfortably host shows and the sales, but not animals during the fair. The livestock housed in the current arena during the fair week will be moved to adjacent barns.

Carroll County Fair
Current “metal barn” on the Carroll County fair grounds will come down and be replaced with a new show/sale arena before the 2019 fair. (Susan Crowell photo)

If anyone is interested in donating toward the new building, contact the fair board office or any fair board member.

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