Carroll SWCD dealing with budget cuts


CARROLLTON, Ohio — The Carroll Soil and Water Conservation District is dealing with budget cuts as is nearly every SWCD office around the state.

Funded by the Carroll County commissioners and the State of Ohio, both of which are experiencing shortfalls in revenue, the district is not able to fill its full-time technician position, and have contracted with Tuscarawas and Harrison SWCDs to help provide technical assistance and computer support for the office. Both SWCDs were faced with similar budget shortfalls and were forced to reduce staff hours to meet budget.

“By contracting with these other counties, it helps everyone reduce their costs and maintain and fully utilize staff that are already trained and highly qualified for the job,” said Linda Yeager, Carroll SWCD district administrator.

Available to help

Lee Finley, district technician for Tuscarawas SWCD, will be providing technical assistance one day a week for Carroll County.

He has USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service job approval for the following practices: diversion, access road, heavy use area protection, pipeline, roof runoff structure, spring development, subsurface drain, underground outlet, and watering facility.

The Natural Resource Conservation Service is presently administrating contacts with Carroll County landowners for over $1.2 million.

Other assistance

Yvonne Ackerman, Harrison SWCD program administrator, will work on an as-needed basis.

In addition, the board has contracted with Kevin Davis to run the no-till drill rental program.

For more information on Carroll SWCD programs or services, call 330-627-9852.

The Carroll district has been instrumental in helping start the Eastern Ohio Grazing Council along with Columbiana, Harrison, and Jefferson counties, and has been busy with the area Envirothon, seventh grade field trip and other classroom presentations.

In addition, the Carroll, Columbiana, Harrison, Jefferson, and Stark SWCDs are planning the Ag Expo for Sept. 11, 2010 at the McClester farm near Augusta.