Course to focus on permaculture design


YOUNGSTOWN — Green Triangle Project, Grow Youngstown, Ohio Ecological Food and Farm Association and Habitats Ecological Design will sponsor a course to explore the power of ecological design to create resilience and beauty in communities.

The course will be held Feb. 6-7, Feb. 20-21, March 6-7, March 13-14, March 27-28 and April 10-11 in Cleveland and Youngstown.

Course focus

The course will focus on the internationally recognized curriculum in permaculture design. Permaculture has the potential to have an impact in the formerly industrial cities of the Midwest, where shrinking populations and abundant urban land are leading the development of regenerative urban food systems.

This course will place a focus on exploring options for developing healthy local food systems, community resilience and local networks of support.

Participants will gain experience with permaculture by developing designs for emerging urban garden projects, installing a demonstration garden and visiting established systems.

The course will also include a week-end trip to explore the renowned local food system of Athens County, Ohio.

Instructors are Mark Cohen, Josh Beniston and Peter Bane with local guests.


Cost is $950 and includes weekend lunches and educational materials and overnight housing as necessary.

For more information, contact Beniston at 740-818-8422, e-mail or visit