Crop report due out Aug. 12 with revised acreage


WASHINGTON — The National Agricultural Statistics Service is collecting updated information on the number of acres planted in corn and sorghum prior to the Aug. 12 production report, due to variable weather conditions in key crop-growing regions.

The June 30 acreage report included estimates of 2009 planted area for principal crops, based on data collected from producers in early June.

To ensure that the August forecasts accurately reflect any changes in planted acreage since June, National Agricultural Statistics Service will expand its routine data collection activities in late July and early August.

The agency will ask growers to update their reported acres planted to corn in seven states: Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Missouri, North Dakota, Ohio and Pennsylvania.

Growers in Illinois and Missouri will also be asked to update their reported acres planted to sorghum. The Crop Production report will be released Aug. 12.