Dairy Day to focus on efficiency and health


GREENSBURG, Pa. ­— Treatment records, screening tests, and quality assurance are all terms most dairymen are familiar with. Attend the Southwest Regional Dairy Day March 7 to learn more about residue risks and other dairy risks and production practices.

Improving efficiency

Want to increase profitability at the same time? Find out from the experts how these seemingly unrelated topics can work together to improve your dairy’s efficiency and profitability. This annual educational and networking workshop, sponsored by Penn State Extension and SW PA Agribusinesses, is the dairy program of the year.

If you can only attend one dairy program this year, plan to join your fellow western PA dairy farmers March 7 at the Ramada Inn in Greensburg, Pa.

2013 theme

This year’s theme will focus on “Production practices that minimize risk.” The morning program will feature “Strategies for minimizing dairy farm risk” and “Strategies for residue avoidance.” The afternoon program will feature a dairy producer panel that will focus on “Production practices to reduce risk and/or raise profitability” followed by audience questions.

This year’s program is highlighted by a presentation by Dr. Cory Meyers, DVM, Mid-Maryland Dairy Vets. Dr. Meyers has worked with herds in the four state region and will bring this practical experience to his presentation, “Strategies for residue avoidance.”

Dairy producer Ryan Richards, Richards Dairy of McConnellsburg, Pa. will discuss his farms strategies for minimizing risk on their farm.

Trade show

Plan to come early for the dairy industry trade show and door prizes. Registration begins at 9 a.m. with the first keynote speaker at 10 a.m.


Ask your agribusiness provider for a complimentary $15 ticket and register before the deadline of March 5. Call the Indiana County Extension Office at 724-465-3880 or email arp4@psu.edu to pre-register.