DuPont, Plant Sensory Systems team to increase corn’s nitrogen use efficiency


DES MOINES, Iowa, and BALTIMORE, Md. — DuPont and Plant Sensory Systems have entered into a collaboration to evaluate proprietary genes for increasing nitrogen use efficiency in corn.

Under the agreement, DuPont business Pioneer Hi-Bred receives an exclusive, worldwide research and commercial license to nitrogen use efficiency genes for corn. This agreement complements Pioneer’s ongoing research related to NUE.


Corn products developed using these genes could help growers protect yield while reducing inputs, such as nitrogen fertilizer, and decrease the energy required to apply fertilizers.

Plants use nitrogen for growth and development. Early-season nitrogen stress can create irreversible yield loss, and nitrogen stress at any time in the plant’s life can reduce yield.

To prevent yield loss from reduced nitrogen levels, nitrogen is applied to stabilize and maximize the yield potential inherent in commercially available genetics. Application of nitrogen represents significant cost for farmers around the world.

“Corn plants that are more efficient at using nitrogen can improve farmer profitability and productivity, while improving sustainability of agriculture worldwide,” said John Bedbrook, vice president, DuPont Agricultural Biotechnology.


Plant Sensory Systems, LLC is a privately held agricultural biotechnology company in Baltimore, Md., that develops technologies to improve crop performance for the production of food, feed, fiber, biofuel and bio-based products.

Plant Sensory Systems has developed traits that increase yields, improve nitrogen and water use efficiency, promote tolerance to drought and high temperature, increase seed oil content, and enhance nutritional value.

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