Extension and 4-H are vital components of community



Two years ago I moved onto a 65-acre Harrison County farm property. Since I am a forester, and not a farmer, I have depended heavily on Extension for educating me on such issues as beekeeping, raising chickens and keeping cattle.

I have found that 40 years experience as a professional forester is of very little value to me in this new endeavor. Thank goodness for the experts at the Extension office.

I am quite concerned that the 4-H and Extension programs for Harrison County may be discontinued in 2013 due to either apathy or lack of support from our citizenry. Our farm base depends on good animal husbandry and good agricultural practices. Without the kind of life-skill education 4-H provides, we will not have the kind of knowledgeable farmers, homeowners and citizens we have long enjoyed in this county.

Please support the Extension/4-H levy when it appears on the ballot March 6. The old levy was for 0.75 mills. It expires the end of this year. The new levy will still be for 0.75 mills.

John Quimby

Bowerston, Ohio

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