Extension educators receive awards


CARROLLTON, Ohio — Carroll County Extension Educator Mike Hogan has been honored by Ohio State University Extension with the highest achievement bestowed upon an OSU Extension faculty member.

Hogan has received the Epsilon Sigma Phi Excellence in Extension Award, which includes a $1,000 cash award and a $1,000 salary increase.

The award was presented during a luncheon held during the OSU Extension Annual Conference Dec. 17 in Columbus.

Hogan has served as Carroll County Extension educator since 1986, and also currently serves as part-time Extension educator in Harrison and Jefferson counties.

Hogan has served in numerous leadership roles during his career including university senator and statewide coordinator for sustainable agriculture, and is currently serving as president of the Ohio Association of Extension Professionals.

Hogan resides in Carrollton with wife Susan and the couple have two grown children, Katy and Christopher, who are students at The Ohio State University.

COLUMBUS, Ohio — The unique connection a county Extension educator has with the farm family is the backbone of any state Extension organization and the driving concept behind the Ohio State University Extension Steve D. Ruhl Agriculture and Natural Resources County Extension Award.

The award, established in 2007 and named for the Morrow County OSU Extension educator who passed away that same year, recognizes a county educator who has provided outstanding educational programs to his or her clientele.

Ruhl was the first recipient of the award.

Glen Arnold, an OSU Extension educator for Putnam County, became the second recipient in 2008.

The Steve D. Ruhl Agriculture and Natural Resources County Extension Award was created by an endowment of funds earned from the 2006 National Association of County Agricultural Agents Annual Meeting and Professional Improvement Conference held in Cincinnati.

Recipients must be a current County Agriculture and Natural Resources Educator, have a minimum of 10 years county Extension experience, and be a current paid member of the Ohio Association of Extension Professionals and the National Association of County Agricultural Agents.

Extension programs developed by the recipient could represent animal sciences, agronomy, horticulture, farm management, entomology, leadership or any other related area where the educator has demonstrated proven success.

Arnold has been an Agriculture and Natural Resources Extension educator for Putnam County for nearly two decades.

Arnold will receive a $1,500 cash prize and a plaque.