Farm accidents take one life and injure another


ST. LOUISVILLE, Ohio — A farmer baling hay died Aug. 25 after the tractor he was operating rolled over in Licking County.

John Herendeen, 57, of St. Louisville, died at Licking Memorial Hospital after sustaining injuries from the accident.

Mary Ann Township Fire Chief Kelly Smith said Herendeen was traveling down the side of a hill on Loches Road just outside of St. Louisville when the tractor and wagon carrying a load of hay jackknifed, rolled and pinned Herendeen underneath around 4:25 p.m. in the afternoon.

Herendeen said a second man was baling hay on top of the hill when the accident occurred.

Farmer injured. Meanwhile, an Irondale farmer is recovering in the Pittsburgh Presbyterian Hospital after reportedly being injured when his tractor overturned Aug. 20.

Harold N. Householder, 69, of Irondale, was pinned under his Farmall 560 after he reportedly lost control on a farm road near an embankment on his farm in Ross Township.

According to a report from the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Department, the ground was soft after a recent hard rain and it may have contributed to the accident.

A medical helicopter landed at the scene and took Householder to Pittsburgh. He is suffering from several broken bones including a broken pelvis, ankle and ribs.

Householder has been in the dairy business for over 45 years.