COLUMBUS – Amy Trubek, executive director of the Vermont Fresh Network, will be the featured speaker at a half-day workshop for farmers interested in selling directly to restaurants and supermarkets.
The conference, sponsored by the Ohio Ecological Food and Farm Association, will be held April 9 at Mustard Seed Market and Cafe in Montrose, Ohio.
Trubek has been instrumental in establishing connections between farmers and chefs in Vermont, and will be sharing practical information about how to make these partnerships productive.
Other speakers. In addition, the program will feature Bruce Grimm, produce buyer for Mustard Seed Market, who will share tips on what local produce supermarkets seek to purchase and how farmers can sell to restaurants and supermarkets.
To conclude this event, several farmers who are successfully selling to local restaurants and markets, together with several local chefs, will participate in a question and answer session.
A continental breakfast and an afternoon snack will be provided by Mustard Seed Market, and all participants will receive a packet of written materials with practical information.
Details. Those interested in attending are encouraged to call the OEFFA office to reserve their spot, as space is limited. On-site registration will begin at 8:30 a.m. April 9 at the Mustard Seed Market.
The cost of the workshop IS $20 for OEFFA members and $25 for non-OEFFA members.
For more information call OEFFA at 614-421-2022.
Directions to Mustard Seed Market and Cafe can be found at or by calling toll free, 888-476-2379.
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