A roundup of 4-H news for Aug. 21, 2008


NEWBURY, Ohio — The Geauga Beef and Swine 4-H club is getting ready for the Geauga County Fair.

They have been meeting each month. The club raises beef, pigs, ducks and turkeys.

For service projects in 2008, they created Easter cards for the residents of Pleasant Hill Home. They also did yard work for a family in Chesterland.

They sold Little Caesar’s Pizza and held car washes in order to raise funds. The car washes were held at Tractor Supply in Chardon.

The club also helped clean up the fairgrounds following the antique show in June.

During the May meeting, Greg Spear, one of the swine advisers, talked about the pig tagging and ear infections of pigs.

Hogs were taken to the Geauga County Fairgrounds for ear tagging in May. Weights were done on pigs for the Weight to Gain Contest.

Pictures were also taken of the hog and the 4-H member.

During the beef meetings, Kim Poff talked about the beef parts and the skillathon material. She also set up showmanship and fitting clinics and helped members with record books.

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