A roundup of 4-H news for the week of April 16, 2009


NORWALK, Ohio — The Hartland New Horizons 4-H club held its first meeting March 15 to sign paperwork and receive fair project books.

On April 5, members voted for club officers. Those elected were Logan Stumpf, president; Matthew Scheerer, vice president; Casey Molesky, secretary; Joel Boose, treasurer; Samantha Cantu, news reporter; Jacob Barnes, recreation; Noah Stumpf, safety leader; Logan Bosley, health leader; Marcus Fritz, sergeant of arms; Matthew Stumpf, flag bearer; and Gabby Cantu, pledge leader.

Members voted to purchase a flag set for meetings.

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KINSMAN, Ohio — The Very Good Kow Growers 4-H dairy club elected officers at its February meeting.

This year’s officers are Brock Elsea, president; Matt Wilson, vice president; Nick Fiest, secretary; Troy Elsea, treasurer; Nick Aberegg, news reporter; Chad Carr, recreation leader; Braden Elsea, safety leader; and Billy Smith, health leader.

The club donated money to the Warren family mission.

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BURTON, Ohio — The Geauga Caprine Kids 4-H club met March 21 at the Geauga County Fairgrounds.

We have completed our first service project for this year by serving at the Burton Fire Station’s pancake breakfast.

Our next service project will be the Geauga Cleanup Day.

The club will have a group bowling night at Ernst Lanes Bowling Alley April 17.
The next meeting will be April 18.

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PATTERSONVILLE, Ohio — Farmers and Charmers 4-H club met April 7 at the Augusta Lodge to discuss community service, fundraiser dinner, to finalize T-shirt orders and announce upcoming events and dates.

Jeannette Goebeler and Austin Bentley will present a global warming presentation to their classmates and pass out free green recycle bags for groceries.

Project books were passed out and members were assigned to read first sections in their books.

The club will launch “go green action” to Minerva from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. April 18 at Kishman’s IGA.

Members are participating in the fic milk can contest. Members presented a check to the Augusta Masons and a thank you card signed by all for their continued support.

Educational programs consisted of officer training and all officers received their pins and signed their officer contracts.

The next meeting will be at 7 p.m. May 5 at the lodge. The club will watch a short movie to help them with fair projects, speeches and demonstrations will begin and the club advisers will pass out the club’s magazine of “who’s who” of each 4-H member.

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PIERPONT, Ohio — The Pierpont Mix-n-Match PACS 4-H club elected new officers, which include: Tori Kanicki, president; Jenna Lower, vice president; Brenna Paananen, secretary; Justin Swiger, treasurer; Cody Kanicki and Andrew Holden, health and safety officers; Cody Faz and Libby Holden, recreation officers; Mikayla Polkow and Jaret Swiger, refreshment officers and Olivia Holden and Morgan Lower, news reporters.

In honor of Ashtabula County 4-H Week, members decorated their lockers at Pierpont Elementary School. Becky Holmes and Abby Averill also came out and did an assembly for our students. Tiffany Wiser won the locker decorating contest.

Members broke into groups at the meeting and learned the 4-H Creed.

Cloverbud members learned the 4-H Pledge.

The club also donated money to the Pierpont Presbyterian Church Food Bank and is busy getting ready for its rigatoni dinner and Chinese auction from 6-8 p.m. April 24 at Pierpont Elementary School.

The next meeting will be from 2-4 p.m. April 26. Members are reminded all paperwork must be turned in at the meeting.

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CECIL, Pa. — The Cecil 4-H club held its club elections with the following results: Emily Allan, president; Katie Vercek, vice president; Shealyn Steadman, secretary; Heather Robison, treasurer; Anna Schmitt, Halie Abt and Leah Rupinsky, communication officers; and Ryleigh Steadman, T.J. Vercek and Melanie Allan, game leaders.

The next meeting of the Cecil 4-H club will be April 18 at 9 a.m. at the Millers Run Grange in Cecil. Members will be working on their cooking and woodworking projects.

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ELLSWORTH, Ohio — The following Western Reserve Rangers 4-H club members were awarded scholarships to state 4-H camps this summer: Ashley Algarin for Ohio 4-H Sea Camp, Delorean Jones for Ohio Senior Shooting Sports Camp and Blake Algarin and Presley Cummings for Ohio 4-H Leadership Camp.

Zach Adams was selected to be a counselor at the Ohio Junior Shooting Sports Camp. Amelia Shrader will be a counselor at Ohio 4-H Leadership Camp.

Health leader Richie Hedrick shared how to treat a sprain and safety leader Donny Duda updated ATV safety.

Casie Stevens passed out a list of “Giving Tree” items for the Angels for Animals Shelter that members can bring to the May meeting.

Hannah Shrader reported on the success of the POAK (Parents Of Allergic Kids) Easter egg hunt.

The members voted to participate in the Berlin Township Memorial Day parade in May as well as the Canfield Fourth of July parade.

Blake Algarin and Hannah Shrader, 4-H state ambassadors, related their experiences assisting presenters and doing introductions at the Ohio 4-H Volunteer Conference in Columbus in March.

Vice president Blake Algarin promoted 4-H Junior Camp at Camp Whitewood for youth in the third through eighth grade from July 19-25 and Katherine Pitcairn shared news about 4-H Cloverbud Day Camp at Coy Park in Greenford from June 24-26.

Both camps are open to non 4-H members and more information is available by calling the Extension office at 330-533-5538.

Gabriella Marinescu reported on the March tour at Joann Etc. Store in Boardman. Bailey Hornberger reported on the workshop for food projects April 5.

The members reviewed proper table settings for different occasions, designing menu plans and how to use the food pyramid.

Brenda Metts encouraged the youth to participate in the Arts and Crafts Show at the Canfield Fair this year.

The club will meet 7 p.m. May 14 with guest speaker Kim Lewis from the Mahoning County Green Team.

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