A roundup of 4-H news for the week of Jan. 7, 2010


THOMPSON, Ohio — Thompson Ledge Dairymen 4-H club held a meeting Dec. 13 at the Montville Community Center and welcomed a new member.

Christmas gifts donated by members were gathered for distribution to our adoptive family. The gifts were delivered a week before Christmas and they were greatly appreciated by the young family.

The club discussed plans for using the money earned from the cheese basket sold at the livestock sale. Plans include purchasing new fans for the dairy barn, club clippers, more automatic water cups for the animals, aisle decorations and educational field trips.

The criteria for Honor Club was reviewed and activities were planned to meet the requirements.

The club also elected new officers for the 2010 4-H year.

The next meeting will take place Jan. 10 at the Montville Community Center. After the meeting a pot luck meal will be shared. All Geauga County 4-H dairy club members may attend.

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