A roundup of 4-H news for the week of June 25, 2015:


BURTON, Ohio — The Thompson Ledge Dairymen met June 13 for a pizza party meeting. The group discussed quality assurance, watched a video on handling cowws. In addition, the group talked about dairy basket themes for the fair.

A meeting was set up to make tie blankets for a local charity.

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BURTON, Ohio — The Geauga Dairymen met June 13 at a member’s house. A donation was sent to sponsor a family for the Family-a-Fair community service.

The safety poster contest was discussed, and health and safety officers were encouraged to participate.

Members were reminded about skillathon July 18 from 9-11 at the Jr. Fair building. Members were given study materials and encouraged to start working on their project books.

The dairy basket theme of “picnic” was decided last meeting and members discussed what items should be included. The Jr. fair T-Shirt design contest was mentioned, with submissions due by July 1.

The club voted to purchase 30 presale milkshake coupons to send with buyer letters and thank-you notes. The club also voted on getting new T-shirts for fair. Members are to bring design ideas to the next meeting.

The next meeting is scheduled for July 18 at 5 p.m. at the Niehus’ house.

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