A roundup of 4-H news for the week of March 25, 2010


BROOKFIELD, Ohio — The Brookfield 4-H Friends held their March meeting with demonstrations given by three members.

All members should bring their animal registrations filled out to the next meeting set for April 8.

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MINERVA, Ohio — The Stillfork 4-H club met March 15 at Mount Zion United Methodist Church.

Cheyanna Skinner conducted the business meeting with 24 present.

The club discussed 4-H funding and the levy May 4.

The club’s window at Kohman’s Mower won second place.

The club is donating $20 to the Camp Piedmont sewer project.

Quality Assurance is April 19 at Carrollton High School.

New fair rules and drug forms were discussed. Frozen food orders were handed out. The sale committee will meet April 8.

Dalton Ulman discussed lightning safety at home.

The next meeting is April 12 at 7 p.m. at Mount Zion United Methodist Church.

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CARROLLTON, Ohio — Freshman 4-Hers club met March 10 at the Presbyterian Church with eight in attendance.

It was decided the club would serve a meal at the Presbyterian Church April 26. Frozen food sales were discussed.

The next meeting is April 14 from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at the Presbyterian Church.

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MINERVA, Ohio — The Brown Frame Round Up 4-H club met March 17 at Brown Frame Hall. Paige Randal conducted the business meeting with 16 in attendance.

The club discussed Quality Assurance training April 19 at 7 p.m. at Carrollton High School. Dairy beef tag-in is March 27 from 9 to 11 a.m. at the fairgrounds.

Enrollment cards have been turned in.

March 29 is Brown Frame Ponderosa Night. For each meal purchased, the club gets $1.

The next meeting is April 11 at 7 p.m. at Brown Frame Hall.

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ROGERS, Ohio — The Country Hands 4-H club will be holding their next square dance from 7 p.m. – 10 p.m. March 27 in the dining hall at the Rogers Sale. The admission fee will be $5.

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VERMILION, Ohio — Brownhelm Perfection and BB 4-H’ers met March 15.

Members voted on the design for the club T-shirt, and Nathan Kromer won first place, Brad Thrasher won second place, and Madeline Ott won third place.

The club’s bowling party will be April 11 at Oberlin College.

Members are asked to bring 20-ounce pop bottles, plastic margarine or yogurt containers to the meetings for 4-H camp.

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BOWERSTON, Ohio — On March 7, 17 members of the Silver Spurs 4-H club attended a quality assurance program at Harrison Central High, and followed the program with a meeting at the Bowerston Public Library.

Adviser Jen Host handed out fair premiums from last year’s fair.

Members decided to do a car wash fundraiser, with date and location to be determined later.

Lacey Shuss gave a presentation about her market hog project.

After the meeting, members made a display for National 4-H Week to be placed in the window at the Bowerston Public Library.

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CECIL, Pa. — The Cecil 4-H club elected the 2010 officers at the last meeting with the following results: president, Emily Allan; vice president, Katie Vercek; secretary, Shealyn Steadman; treasurer, Ryleigh Steadman; communication officers, Anna Schmitt and Melanie Allan; game leaders, Michael Allan and T.J. Vercek.

The next club meeting is April 17 at the Millers Run Grange.

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JEFFERSON, Ohio — The Prime Bovine 4-H club met Feb. 28.

Health reports were given by Garrett Jerome, Jeremy Leroy, Breanna Majka and Kyle Jones. Safety reports were given by Felipe Pacheco, Justin Stitt and Nick Mizinger.

The news report was given by Ashleigh Delewski and Jackie Delewski took pictures at the meeting.

An educational surprise was held by Jodi Zickafoose, Laurie Jones and Victor Jerome.

The next meeting will be held at Bodnar’s Northwind Farm at 3:30 p.m. March 28.

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CORTLAND, Ohio — The Happy Hams 4-H swine club will meet April 3 at 9:30 a.m. at the Extension office on West Main Street in Cortland.

The club is accepting new members. For information contact Ken and Heather Letcher at 330-924-0404.

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RICHMOND, Ohio — The Bareshoe Wranglers 4-H club met at Jefferson County Joint Vocational School recently with 15 present.

Holly Mazur led the meeting. Project books were handed out.

Logan Glenn demonstrated how to care for worms. C.J. Glenn demonstrated groom and cleaning safety, and Nicholas Glenn and Angus Porter demonstrated welding safety.

The club is having a spaghetti dinner at the Richmond Methodist Church.

A community service project to restore Ross County Cemetery was discussed.

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NEW PHILADELPHIA, Ohio — The Gold Rush Wranglers 4-H club had its organizational meeting March 14 at the home of their adviser, Loretta Galbreath.

Officers elected were: president, Bobby DeWalt; vice president, Andrew Milarcik; secretary, Mallory Galbreath; treasurer, Taylor Milarcik; news reporter, Jeff Murphy.

Members discussed upcoming events and quality assurance meetings and turned in enrollment forms. Members decided to have a bake sale and a car wash as fundraisers.

Members helped to set tables and serve food at the Dare To Be You banquet as a community service project. Their second project will be the Relay For Life.

Members voted to keep the dues at $1 per meeting. The constitution will be reviewed and signed at the next meeting April 11 at the Galbreath home.

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PIERPONT, Ohio — The Pierpont Mix-n-Match PACS 4-H club met Feb. 28 at the Pierpont Presbyterian Church.

Members discussed these changes for the upcoming fair: No junior fair parade, no flower box competition, no dance, no programs at junior shows.

The club discussed plans for their annual fundraiser, a rigatoni dinner to be held at the Pierpont Township Fire Department’s Red Building on May 8 from 5-7 p.m.. Each family is to bring donations for the Chinese auction and desserts.

Members are to bring enrollment forms and books to the next meeting. There is a June 1 deadline on the following forms: Pen reservations, Breeder’s Own, County Pride and Carcass forms.

There will be rabbit clinics every month and all rabbit members are asked to attend.

There is a steer show April 10 at the fairgrounds. All steer and dairy beef feeder members are encouraged to attend.

Members were asked to save printer cartridges to help with supply costs and reminded to start turning in pictures for scrapbooks.

Members were reminded to start taking photos of their project. Members will again receive one green club T-shirt this year and asked to give T-shirts they have outgrown to other members.

Members reviewed the Code of Conduct, and were reminded the forms should be turned in with the enrollment form at the next meeting.

As a community project, the Hoover family will raise a market goat that the club will purchase and sell at the fair. The proceeds will go to the Pierpont Presbyterian Food Bank.

Members also received information about Cedar Point 4-H Day, Cloverbud Camp general project guidelines and parent guides.

The next meeting will be March 27 at the Pierpont Presbyterian Church.

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NEW PHILADELPHIA, Ohio — Milkmakers 4-H club held a meeting March 15 at Jerusalem Church.

At the meeting, the officers for 2010 were announced. They are president, Chris Finton; vice president, Clarissa Mutti; secretary, Stacie Steel; assistant secretary, Amie Zumbach; treasurer, Mercedes Sisson; assistant treasurer, Colton Harstine; news reporter, Clark Mutti; health leader, Kurt Finton; and safety leaders, Ryan Powell and Mitch Henry.

Demonstrations were given by Chris Finton, clippers; Harstine, milk processing; Curtis Sigrist, breeds of cows; Kurt Finton, halters; Ryan Powell, embryo transfer; and Lauren Powell, breeds of cows.

Quality assurance is at Emmanuel Lutheran Church April 25.

Junior fairboard representatives for dairy are Clarissa Mutti, Justin Beach, Jimmy Collins and Eryn Vogel.

Karen Loveday told the club the dairy trip is planned for July 16 and 17.

The next meeting will be held April 12.

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COLUMBIANA, Ohio — The Guilford Go-fers 4-H group met March 16 at 6:30 p.m. Everyone brought a dish to share for the annual potluck. Certificates of Achievement were handed out. New 4-H officers were inducted.

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NORTH BENTON, Ohio — The Mahoning County Goat Herders 4-H Club met at the O’Brock’s on March 8.

Those who attended Quality Assurance were asked to share what they had learned. New project books were distributed.

The discussion for the evening was Getting Ready for Kids. Tyler Bluhm gave a demonstration.

The next meeting will be March 22 at the O’Brock’s at 7 p.m. The speaker will be Dr. Dan Dickerhoof.

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CLARIDON, Ohio — The Geauga Caprine Kids 4-H club have meetings in the basement of the Patterson Center in Burton, Ohio every third Saturday at 3 p.m.

At the last meeting, members discussed ideas for our community service projects and voted on going to a nursing home.

The club will put a display March 6-19 at Tractor Supply in Chardon to help promote 4-H. The food drive in June will be organized by Alicia Larkins and Shane Delbo.

Many 4-H clubs are selling Buckeye Chocolate candy bars to help raise funds for their 4-H clubs. The candy bars are $2 per bar.

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BURTON, Ohio — Breeders and Feeders 4-H club recently met at Burton Fire Station. The club will be helping Burton Fire Department with their pancake breakfasts on March 14 and March 28.

They will also sell spaghetti dinner tickets and raffle tickets for a side of beef to benefit the Petersen Family.

The club will also be helping at a dinner March 27 at Ledgemont Elementary School.

A discussion was held regarding the mandatory fair meeting and quality assurance and the option to test out of quality assurance.

Shane Delbo gave a health report on how to care for blisters.

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LORAIN, Ohio — The Pitch Fork Pals 4-H club met March 14 at the Henrietta Township Hall.

Club advisers announced a poetry contest and members will soon be able to volunteer for packing food at the Second Harvest Food Bank in April and May to fulfill its community service requirements.

Demonstrations were presented by Cody Osborne, Emma Northeim, Justin Baumann, Zach Jackson, Hunter Matus, Brett Grobe, Tyler Miller, Madison Palmer and Devon Cowling.

Cloverbuds made mobiles for St. Patrick’s Day.

Centerpieces were assembled by members and donated for the annual 4-H endowment banquet.

The next meeting is April 18.

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