A roundup of 4-H news for the week of Nov. 12, 2009


NORTH GEORGETOWN, Ohio — The Lone Rangers 4-H club had a meeting Oct. 11 at the North Georgetown Fire Department Hall. There were 24 members, 3 advisers and 17 adults present.

Members voted for new officers. They are: president, Audra Antram; vice president, Bethany Burger; secretary, Bridgette Kelly; treasurer, Ashley Hahn; news reporter, Mitchell Kelly; historian, Hannah Jarvis; recreation leaders, Colton Antram and Cruz Richardson and 4-H meeting reminder, Sarah Jarvis.

The club will be bell ringing and cleaning the fire department for community services. Also for a fundraiser we will be making Super Bowl cookies. The club has $638.80 in its account.

Members went to the Maze Craze in Columbiana Oct. 27 for a group activity.

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VIENNA, Ohio — The Trumbull County 4-H Shooting Sports Pioneers will hold its introductory meeting for 2010 from 6-8 p.m. Nov. 20 in the Fish and Game Club of Vienna.

All prospective and returning members should attend to complete the paperwork and have questions answered.

Future regular meetings will be held on two Fridays of each month from January through May. The first will be Jan. 8. Children 9 through 18 and their parents may attend.

Dues per person are $20 annually plus $2 for each evening attended. No family needs to pay for more than two children.

The 4-H club emphasizes safe and responsible use of firearms and archery equipment, development of self-esteem, ethical behavior and strengthening families through life-long recreational activities.

For more information, contact Larry Beardsley at 330-898-4486 or larrybeard@aol.com.

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MOUNDSVILLE, Ohio — The Marshall County 4-H and FFA Goat and Rabbit Club met at the Barn Oct. 29 to start its new year.

The advisers went over the treasurer’s report for the 2008-09 year and it was voted on and approved. They also reviewed last year’s programming and fair results.

New business included electing new officers. The new president is Kyle Clark, assisted by the vice president Cameron Holmes. Audrey Rine is the new secretary and Kody White is treasurer.

Other new business included discussing fundraisers, activities, programming, doing a fun show, fun activities at the fair and moving the goat weigh in.

The next meeting will be at 6:30 p.m. Dec. 17 at the Barn on Fourth Street in Moundsville. Members will be addressing Christmas cards for last year’s buyers.

Anyone wanting to take a goat or rabbit project for the 2010 fair is encouraged to attend this meeting.

For more information, call the Marshall County Extension Service at 304-843-1170 or visit http://www.highhillacres.homestead.com/goatrabbitclub.html.

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CARROLLTON, Ohio — Snoopy’s Friends 4-H club met Oct. 27 at the Friendship Center with 12 members in attendance.

Members were reminded of the best of 4-H night.

Officers were elected and include Alana, president; Heather, vice president; Melissa, secretary; Kaitlyn J., treasurer; Jacob, news reporter; Kaitlyn G, photographer; Nicole, safety officer; Kaitlyn S., health officer and Aniece, recreation.

A dinner at Pizza Hut was discussed to raise money for the building improvement fund and members talked about Bark in the Park.

A demonstration was given by Heather and Melissa Evanich on golf.

The next meeting will be held at 6:30 p.m. Nov. 24 at the Friendship Center. Each member is to demonstrate how to make a food.

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