A roundup of FFA news for the week of Jan. 29, 2009


WEST SALEM, Ohio — Members of the Northwestern-Wayne FFA chapter participated in a Christmas tree pick up for the community Jan. 6.

Members Kelsey Bowers, Danae Mulligan, Kyle Schirm, David Devore, Tessa Topp, Chelsea Odenkirk, Zach Burgett, Jessica Wellert, Sarhra Flinn and Sabrina Johnson all helped with this project.

Members went to Lea Crest Estates, West Ridge and High Point, the villages of New Pittsburg, Lattasburg, Pleasant Home, Congress and West Salem to pick up the trees and then gave them to the West Salem Beagle Club for recycling.

The trees will be used for wildlife protection.

This is an annual event and was the 21st successful year of this project.

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ALLIANCE, Ohio — The Marlington FFA alumni and friends will host a judging contest at 9 a.m. Feb. 21 at the Stark County Fairgrounds.

There will be dairy judging and handling, general livestock judging and horse judging.

Anyone interested may call the high school and ask for the Ag. Department or contact any FFA member or alumni for additional information.

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NEW WILMINGTON, Pa. — The Wilmington FFA chapter came home from the Pa. Farm Show and the state FFA meeting with plenty of bragging rights.

The chapter’s demonstration team won the state demonstration contest at the farm show, narrowly beating neighboring chapter Mohawk, which finished in second; and Beaver County’s Blackhawk chapter, which finished third.

Team members included senior Travis Thompson, freshman Raechel Pusetari, sophomore Rachel Telesz and senior Kylee Pugh.

Wilmington also sent two square dance teams to the farm show. The Spurs n’ Skirts received a blue ribbon. Members included Mallory Bartlett, Aryana Mickley, Natalie Styer, Courtney Speir-Chrastina, Angela Willis, DJ Bolinger, Layne Kind, Logan Kind and Chad Wilson.

The second team of the 4 Queens n’ Some Jokers received a red ribbon and include Kristin Wilson, Brittney Hall, Kaitlyn Hovis, Kaitlin Martin, Jenny Ratvasky, Zach Romeo, Ryan Martin, Wes Jones, Dylan Martin and Steven Moore.

Wilmington had nine members earn Keystone degrees, which is the highest number in the chapter’s history: Kylee Pugh; Megan McDanel; Rachel Martin; Kristin Wilson; Kendall Monstwil; Andrew Ryder; Layne Kind; Travis Thompson; and Steven Moore.

McDanel also earned the Western Region Star Award in production and Ryder earned the Western Region Star Award for his work experience. Both received a plaque and $100 for their award.

Two sets of chapter parents also received an honorary Keystone degree for having three children receive their Keystone Degrees: William and the late Betty Moore (Melissa in 2002, Samantha in 2005 and Steven in 2009); and George and Dixie Wilson (Todd in 2005, Staci on 2007 and Kristin in 2009).

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BESSEMER, Pa.— The Mohawk FFA demonstration team placed second out of 26 teams competing in the Pa. Farm Show’s annual demonstration competition.

Team members included Daniel Byers, Abbey Benninghoff, Olivia Kamicker, Mike Brunton and Carl Farone. The team presented “Apple Butter Party,” based on Daniel Byers’ family making apple butter. The group actually made 18 gallons of apple butter earlier in the fall to learn how it was made so they could base their demonstration on first-hand knowledge.

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NEW CASTLE, Pa. — Laurel School District’s first-ever square dance team competed at the Pennsylvania State Farm Show held in Harrisburg, earning a first-place ribbon. Team members were Ethan McClimans and Sarah Wilson, Jared Meeder and Kaitlyn Lantz, Devin Miller and Kristin Sipe, and Cody Montgomery and Brandy Smail.

Other Laurel FFA members were also busy during farm dhow week. The demonstration team of Marty Barletto, Troy Booher, Mike Kulinski, Caitlyn Leasure, Brandy Smail and Sarah Wilson presented their 20-minute demonstration, “Points of Peril,” placing eighth out of the 26 teams competing.

Chapter member Brittany McConnell received her Keystone degree at Pennsylvania FFA Mid-Winter Convention. This is the highest degree given in the state of Pennsylvania.

Andrea Fedrizzi also competed in the first Pa. Farm Show Got Talent! Competition. She performed a ribbon dance routine and placed first in her division.

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CASTALIA, Ohio — The Margaretta FFA chapter officers met at 7:15 a.m. Jan. 26 to discuss ideas for its meeting which was held Jan. 26 during eighth period.

Officers discussed the upcoming National FFA Week Feb. 21-28. Ideas officers had included Kiss a Pig, wear official dress day, chapter T-shirt day and farmer day.

Officers received permission to use a bulletin board in the school to help promote different activities the chapter has done throughout the year. Officers agreed to work on the board Feb. 20 after school to help kick off the week.

Officers are working on plans to help make the week a huge success for all members who want to participate.

The chapter was scheduled to have a leadership night Jan. 14 but due to weather conditions the event was canceled. Officers discussed which dates would be possible to reschedule the event.

The last item officers discussed was skiing will be rescheduled from January to February. The recreation committee will be working on the dates for the trip.

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BEAVER FALLS, Pa. — Blackhawk FFA’s Demonstration Team placed third at the 2009 Pennsylvania State Farm Show.

Members of the team included Tyler Crognale, Amanda Altamos, Drake Gussenhofen, Zack Brewer and off-stage helper James Malone.
There were more than 20 teams representing FFA chapters throughout Pennsylvania.

This year’s team explained how to build an inexpensive solar air collector, which operated on a thermosiphon. It could be used for space heating and was practical in that there is no need for fans, etc.

There were 17 Blackhawk students on the trip and they were joined by 15 students from the Beaver County CTC.

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