A roundup of FFA news for the week of July 23, 2015:


WASHINGTON COURTHOUSE, Ohio — The Miami Trace and Great Oaks FFA livestock judging team members traveled to Scotland and Ireland on June 17 to compete internationally.

The teams got the chance to travel after placing third overall at the 2014 National FFA Convention.

Members of the team were: Gus Mitchem, Brock Wilt, Caroline Hughes and Caleb Penwell, alongside former Miami Trace FFA teacher, Tracy Dendinger. They spent five days in Scotland and seven in Ireland.

There was one judging contest in Scotland. Penwell and Wilt placed third overall judging beef.

Hughes and Mitchem judged sheep.

The team then traveled to Ireland, where they judged beef as a team and placed third overall.

The team toured large scale production farms with cattle and sheep.


Three graduating members of the livestock judging team will pursue careers in agriculture.

Hughes and Penwell will attend Northern Oklahoma College to judge livestock.

Mitchem will attend Southern State Community College to study agriculture.

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BERLIN, Ohio — On June 29 and 30 the Hiland FFA officers had a two-day bonding exercise at Ohio FFA Camp Muskingum with the help of Anna Nisley and Ms. Albright.

They came to Hiland High School in the morning and were given the task to create their menu for the weekend. Along with their menu they had to make a grocery list to match it, and split the menu up for groups to make the meals over Monday and Tuesday at camp.

The first officer retreat assignments began. They wrote on a poster what the expectations for the retreat were as well as a set of goals.

Following bonding time, they did parliamentary procedure practice. All officers went through opening ceremonies.

They discussed what we should do as our community service project at fair. The options included parking cars or running gates at fair for a day; they chose fair gates after a long discussion.

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