Stark County Junior Fair auction pulls in $854,406, sets all time record


(This post has been updated from an earlier story to reflect the final 2014 Stark County Junior Fair results. Scroll down to see a photo gallery of the winners)

Aug. 27 & Aug. 30, 2014

Sale Total: $854,406.11




Number of Market Lots: 69

Average: $3.08/pound


Grand champion exhibitor: Lindsey Pugh

Bid: $20/pound – Record Weight: 1,343 pounds

Buyer: Beaver Excavating Co., R.G. Smith Co., Eslich Wrecking Company

Reserve champion exhibitor: Sara Klehm

Bid: $12.50/pound – Record Weight: 1,278 pounds

Buyer: Paris and Washington Insurance, Enviroscapes, Biery Cheese, Kreighbaum-Sanders FH, Kiko Meats, Umbarger Feeds – Cliff Linder, Klehm Cattle Company, George and Becky Kiko

Grand champion carcass: Logan Mercer

Bid: $3.25/pound Weight: 1,197 pounds

Buyer: Paris and Washington Insurance

Reserve champion carcass: Alexandra Mauer

Bid: $4.25/pound Weight: 1,422 pounds

Buyer: Bill Eyer, Creekview Acres, Monter Excavating

First-place rate of gain: Dan Shaffer


Champion born and raised: Matthew Shaffer

Bid: $2.50/pound Weight: 1,168 pounds

Buyer: Dr. Thomas Krupko, M.D.

Reserve champion born and raised: Olivia Regula

Bid: $2.75 Weight: 1,237 pounds

Buyer: Nichols Field Services, Ed Domer




Number of Market Lots: 129

Average: $2.76/pound


Grand champion: Brooke Bishop

Bid: $8.50/pound – RECORD Weight: 509 pounds

Buyer: Wooded View Farms

Reserve champion: Logan Skolosh

Bid: $6/pound Weight: 580 pounds

Buyer: Bishop Construction




Number of Market Lots: 20

Average: $1.96/pound


Grand champion: Dharma Varner

Bid: $4.25/pound Weight: 1,389 pounds

Buyer: Enviroscapes, Eslich Wrecking, Factory of Terror

Reserve champion: Tatianna Varner

Bid: $4.50/pound Weight: 1,499 pounds

Buyer: Paris and Washington Insurance, Ramsey Hoof Trimming,Village Farmhouse


Grand champion carcass: Jessica Ruegg

Bid: $2/pound Weight: 1,318 pounds

Buyer: Eslich Wrecking

Reserve champion carcass: Tatianna Varner

Bid: $2.25 Weight: 1,486 pounds

Buyer: Wallace Farms Feed and Drive-thru




Number of Market Lots: 10

Average: $1,565


Grand champion: Jacob Campbell

Bid: $3,500

Buyer: Paris and Washington Insurance

Reserve champion: Cora Daniel

Bid: $2,000

Buyer: Channel Seed, Paradise Valley Farms Inc.




Number of Market Lots: 78

Average: $6.46/pound

Grand champion exhibitor: Natalie Frank

Bid: $22/pound Weight: 138 pounds

Buyer: Paris and Washington Insurance, Pole Barns Direct LLC Dutchcraft Truss & Metal Inc.

Reserve champion exhibitor: Lindsey Pugh

Bid: $23/pound Weight: 140 pounds

Buyer: Eslich Wrecking Company

Grand champion county lamb: Natalie Frank

Bid: $36/pound Weight: 120 pounds

Buyer: Canton Banding Tire Company; Gerber Feed Service; Warburton Gregory, Lisa; Kempthorn Motors; Sugarcreek Construction; Shannon English Marketing; Ed and Terri Roth; PBS Animal Health; Murdocco Services

Reserve champion county lamb: Aaron Rohrer

Bid: $29/pound Weight: 120 pounds

Buyer: McCracken Club Lambs

Grand champion carcass: Tatianna Varner

Bid: $16/pound Weight: 129 pounds

Buyer: Paris and Washington Insurance, Kiko Meats, Ramsey Hoof Trimming, Village Farmhouse, Wallace Farms Feed Drive Thru

Reserve champion carcass: Ryan Ehlers

Bid: $10/pound Weight: 136 pounds

Buyer: Miller & Company

Biery Cheese, Beaver Excavating Co., Johannings Inc.



Number of Market Lots: 10

Average: $135

Grand champion exhibitor: Sarah Shilling

Bid: $200

Buyer: Red Star Vet Clinic

Reserve champion exhibitor: Sarah Shilling

Bid: $200

Buyer: Wells Family Farm



Number of Market Lots: 190

Average: $3.51/pound


Grand champion exhibitor: Noah Gainey

Bid: $25/pound – RECORD Weight: 271 pounds

Buyer: Kiko Realtors & Auctioneers, Stevens Concrete, Bill Kiko’s Lawn and Landscaping

Reserve champion exhibitor: Paige Lewis

Bid: $20/pound Weight: 278 pounds

Buyer: Paris and Washington Insurance, Dutchcraft Truss & Metal Inc/Pole Barns Direct LLC

Grand champion carcass: Jay Chaddock

Bid: $12/pound Weight: 215 pounds

Buyer: Green Lines Transportation

Reserve champion carcass: Neva Campbell

Bid: $3.75/pound Weight: 234 pounds

Buyer: Olde Wood Ltd


Grand champion county hog: Luke Chaddock

Bid: $13/pound Weight: 253 pounds

Buyer: Gregory Industries

Reserve champion county hog: Kyle Lewis

Bid: $13/pound Weight: 250 pounds

Buyer: Johannings Inc., Sarchione Ford, Louisville Physical Therapy, Monter Excavating, Miller & Company, Star Mills, Anthony Feed & Supply





Number of Market Lots: 64

Average: $6.04/pound


Grand champion market wether: Natalie Frank

Bid: $21/pound Weight: 82 pounds

Buyer: Hamilton Ins. Agency, Kemp Insurance Agency, Sugarcreek Construction Co.

Reserve champion market wether: Adriana Grimm

Bid: $12/pound Weight: 84 pounds

Buyer: PSC Metals

Grand champion dairy market wether: Samantha Starcher

Bid: $6 pound Weight: 85 pounds

Buyer: Farmers Exchange

Reserve champion dairy goat: Bryce Snow

Bid: $5/pound Weight: 68 pounds

Buyer: PSC Metals




Number of Meat Pens of Three: 9

Average: $133.33

Grand champion meat pen: Christian Pernell

Bid: $350

Buyer: Rohn Ranch Trailers

Reserve champion meat pen: Bailey Poths

Bid: $150

Buyer: Hagan Heating and Plumbing, Hagan For State Representative




Number of Market Lots: 113

Average: $261.28

Grand champion: Matt Piechuta

Bid: $1,500 Weight: 18.19 pounds

Buyer: Hartville Kitchen

Reserve champion: Lydia Beltz

Bid: $1,700 Weight: 17.86 pounds

Buyer: Judge Kristin Farmer

Judge Dixie Park, Stark County Probate Court, Judge Curt Werren, Dordea For Sheriff, Hagan Heating and Plumbing, Hagan For State Representative



Number of Lots: 33

Average: $316.67

Grand champion: Georgia Kiko

Bid: $1,100 Weight: 42.15 pounds

Buyer: Jim and Sue Kiko

Reserve champion: Mykenna Creager

Bid: $650 Weight: 40.70 pounds

Buyer: Judge Dixie Park, Stark County Probate Court



Auctioneers: Kiko Auctioneers

Fair King and Queen: Dean Rummell and Jessica Ruegg


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