(This post has been updated from an earlier story to reflect the final 2014 Stark County Junior Fair results. Scroll down to see a photo gallery of the winners)
Aug. 27 & Aug. 30, 2014
Sale Total: $854,406.11
Number of Market Lots: 69
Average: $3.08/pound
Grand champion exhibitor: Lindsey Pugh
Bid: $20/pound – Record Weight: 1,343 pounds
Buyer: Beaver Excavating Co., R.G. Smith Co., Eslich Wrecking Company
Reserve champion exhibitor: Sara Klehm
Bid: $12.50/pound – Record Weight: 1,278 pounds
Buyer: Paris and Washington Insurance, Enviroscapes, Biery Cheese, Kreighbaum-Sanders FH, Kiko Meats, Umbarger Feeds – Cliff Linder, Klehm Cattle Company, George and Becky Kiko
Grand champion carcass: Logan Mercer
Bid: $3.25/pound Weight: 1,197 pounds
Buyer: Paris and Washington Insurance
Reserve champion carcass: Alexandra Mauer
Bid: $4.25/pound Weight: 1,422 pounds
Buyer: Bill Eyer, Creekview Acres, Monter Excavating
First-place rate of gain: Dan Shaffer
Champion born and raised: Matthew Shaffer
Bid: $2.50/pound Weight: 1,168 pounds
Buyer: Dr. Thomas Krupko, M.D.
Reserve champion born and raised: Olivia Regula
Bid: $2.75 Weight: 1,237 pounds
Buyer: Nichols Field Services, Ed Domer
Number of Market Lots: 129
Average: $2.76/pound
Grand champion: Brooke Bishop
Bid: $8.50/pound – RECORD Weight: 509 pounds
Buyer: Wooded View Farms
Reserve champion: Logan Skolosh
Bid: $6/pound Weight: 580 pounds
Buyer: Bishop Construction
Number of Market Lots: 20
Average: $1.96/pound
Grand champion: Dharma Varner
Bid: $4.25/pound Weight: 1,389 pounds
Buyer: Enviroscapes, Eslich Wrecking, Factory of Terror
Reserve champion: Tatianna Varner
Bid: $4.50/pound Weight: 1,499 pounds
Buyer: Paris and Washington Insurance, Ramsey Hoof Trimming,Village Farmhouse
Grand champion carcass: Jessica Ruegg
Bid: $2/pound Weight: 1,318 pounds
Buyer: Eslich Wrecking
Reserve champion carcass: Tatianna Varner
Bid: $2.25 Weight: 1,486 pounds
Buyer: Wallace Farms Feed and Drive-thru
Number of Market Lots: 10
Average: $1,565
Grand champion: Jacob Campbell
Bid: $3,500
Buyer: Paris and Washington Insurance
Reserve champion: Cora Daniel
Bid: $2,000
Buyer: Channel Seed, Paradise Valley Farms Inc.
Number of Market Lots: 78
Average: $6.46/pound
Grand champion exhibitor: Natalie Frank
Bid: $22/pound Weight: 138 pounds
Buyer: Paris and Washington Insurance, Pole Barns Direct LLC Dutchcraft Truss & Metal Inc.
Reserve champion exhibitor: Lindsey Pugh
Bid: $23/pound Weight: 140 pounds
Buyer: Eslich Wrecking Company
Grand champion county lamb: Natalie Frank
Bid: $36/pound Weight: 120 pounds
Buyer: Canton Banding Tire Company; Gerber Feed Service; Warburton Gregory, Lisa; Kempthorn Motors; Sugarcreek Construction; Shannon English Marketing; Ed and Terri Roth; PBS Animal Health; Murdocco Services
Reserve champion county lamb: Aaron Rohrer
Bid: $29/pound Weight: 120 pounds
Buyer: McCracken Club Lambs
Grand champion carcass: Tatianna Varner
Bid: $16/pound Weight: 129 pounds
Buyer: Paris and Washington Insurance, Kiko Meats, Ramsey Hoof Trimming, Village Farmhouse, Wallace Farms Feed Drive Thru
Reserve champion carcass: Ryan Ehlers
Bid: $10/pound Weight: 136 pounds
Buyer: Miller & Company
Biery Cheese, Beaver Excavating Co., Johannings Inc.
Number of Market Lots: 10
Average: $135
Grand champion exhibitor: Sarah Shilling
Bid: $200
Buyer: Red Star Vet Clinic
Reserve champion exhibitor: Sarah Shilling
Bid: $200
Buyer: Wells Family Farm
Number of Market Lots: 190
Average: $3.51/pound
Grand champion exhibitor: Noah Gainey
Bid: $25/pound – RECORD Weight: 271 pounds
Buyer: Kiko Realtors & Auctioneers, Stevens Concrete, Bill Kiko’s Lawn and Landscaping
Reserve champion exhibitor: Paige Lewis
Bid: $20/pound Weight: 278 pounds
Buyer: Paris and Washington Insurance, Dutchcraft Truss & Metal Inc/Pole Barns Direct LLC
Grand champion carcass: Jay Chaddock
Bid: $12/pound Weight: 215 pounds
Buyer: Green Lines Transportation
Reserve champion carcass: Neva Campbell
Bid: $3.75/pound Weight: 234 pounds
Buyer: Olde Wood Ltd
Grand champion county hog: Luke Chaddock
Bid: $13/pound Weight: 253 pounds
Buyer: Gregory Industries
Reserve champion county hog: Kyle Lewis
Bid: $13/pound Weight: 250 pounds
Buyer: Johannings Inc., Sarchione Ford, Louisville Physical Therapy, Monter Excavating, Miller & Company, Star Mills, Anthony Feed & Supply
Number of Market Lots: 64
Average: $6.04/pound
Grand champion market wether: Natalie Frank
Bid: $21/pound Weight: 82 pounds
Buyer: Hamilton Ins. Agency, Kemp Insurance Agency, Sugarcreek Construction Co.
Reserve champion market wether: Adriana Grimm
Bid: $12/pound Weight: 84 pounds
Buyer: PSC Metals
Grand champion dairy market wether: Samantha Starcher
Bid: $6 pound Weight: 85 pounds
Buyer: Farmers Exchange
Reserve champion dairy goat: Bryce Snow
Bid: $5/pound Weight: 68 pounds
Buyer: PSC Metals
Number of Meat Pens of Three: 9
Average: $133.33
Grand champion meat pen: Christian Pernell
Bid: $350
Buyer: Rohn Ranch Trailers
Reserve champion meat pen: Bailey Poths
Bid: $150
Buyer: Hagan Heating and Plumbing, Hagan For State Representative
Number of Market Lots: 113
Average: $261.28
Grand champion: Matt Piechuta
Bid: $1,500 Weight: 18.19 pounds
Buyer: Hartville Kitchen
Reserve champion: Lydia Beltz
Bid: $1,700 Weight: 17.86 pounds
Buyer: Judge Kristin Farmer
Judge Dixie Park, Stark County Probate Court, Judge Curt Werren, Dordea For Sheriff, Hagan Heating and Plumbing, Hagan For State Representative
Number of Lots: 33
Average: $316.67
Grand champion: Georgia Kiko
Bid: $1,100 Weight: 42.15 pounds
Buyer: Jim and Sue Kiko
Reserve champion: Mykenna Creager
Bid: $650 Weight: 40.70 pounds
Buyer: Judge Dixie Park, Stark County Probate Court
Auctioneers: Kiko Auctioneers
Fair King and Queen: Dean Rummell and Jessica Ruegg
Bailey Poths sold her pen of reserve champion rabbits to Hagan Heating and Plumbing and State Rep. Christina Hagan for $150. Pictured from left are John Hagan, Bailey Poths, and Junior fair queen Jessica Ruegg.
Mykenna Creager’s reserve champion turkey was sold to Summit County Probate Judge Dixie Park for $650. Pictured are Mykenna Creager, Dixie Park, and her husband, Dr. John Park.
Tatianna Varner’s 1486-pound reserve champion dairy steer carcass was sold to Wallace Farms Feed and Drive-thru for $1.50 a pound. Pictured from left are Tatianna Varner, Jennifer Wallace and Paul Wallace.
Paris and Washington Insurance, Ramsey Hoof Trimming, and Village Farmhouse bought Tatianna Varner’s 1,499-pound reserve champion dairy steer for $4.50 a pound. Pictured from left are Chris Palmer of Village Farmhouse, Joe Ramsey of Ramsey Hoof Trimming, Hunter Palmer and Kelly Palmer of Paris and Washington Insurance, and Tatiana Varner.
Logan Skolosh received a $6 a pound bid from Bishop Construction, Inc. for his 580-pound reserve champion dairy feeder. Pictured from left are Mark Skolosh, Mark Bishop, and Logan Skolosh.
Cora Daniels’ reserve champion dairy cheese basket was sold to Channel Seed and Paradise Valley Farms for $2,000. Pictured are John Brookbank of Paradise Valley Farms, Junior fair queen Jessica Ruegg, Mike Ramsey of Channel Seed, Cora Daniel, and fair royalty Brooke Bishop, Anna Ramsey, and Dean Rummell.
Lydia Beltz’s reserve champion chicken pen fetched a $1,70 bid from buyers (from left) Stark County Common Pleas Judge Curt Werren, John Hagan of Hagan Heating and Plumbing, Stark County Probate Judge Dixie Park , Stark County Sheriff candidate Larry Dordea, Lydia Beltz, and Stark County Common Pleas Judge Kristin Farmer. Not pictured, Ohio State Rep. Christina Hagan.
Jim and Sue Kiko bought Georgia Kiko’s grand champion turkey for $1,100. Pictured with Georgia Kiko are Matt and Kiptin Kiko.
Christian Pernell sold his pen of grand champion rabbits to Rohn Ranch Trailer sales for $350. Pictured with Christian Pernell is Earl Rohn.
Eslich Wrecking bought Jessica Ruegg’s 1,318-pound grand champion dairy steer carcass for $2 a pound. Pictured from left are Rich Eislich, Sr.; Jessica Ruegg; Rich Eslich, Jr.; and fair royalty Brooke Bishop, Dean Rummell, and Anna Ramsey.
Dharma Varner’s 1,389-pound grand champion dairy steer sold to Eslich Wrecking, Factory of Terror and Enviroscapes for a bid of $4.25 a pound. Pictured from left are Todd Pugh and Anna Pugh of Enviroscapes; Rich Eslich, Sr; Rich Eslich, Jr.; Junior fair king Dean Rummell; and Junior fair princess Brooke Bishop.
Brooke Bishop sold her 509-pound grand champion dairy feeder to John and Sally Deininger of Wooded View Farms for a record-setting $8.50 a pound.
Jacob Campbell’s grand champion dairy cheese basket fetched a $3,500 bid from Paris and Washington Insurance. Pictured from left are Junior Fair princess Brooke Bishop, Jacob Campbell and Paris and Washington representative Kelly Palmer.
Matt Piechuta’s grand champion chicken pen went to Hartville Kitchen for a bid of $1,500. Pictured with Matt Piechuta is Hartville Kitchen representative Vernon Sommers.
Farmers Exchange bought Samantha Starcher’s 85-pound grand champion dairy market wether for $6 a pound. Pictured with Samantha Starcher is Brian Cairns and Jill Sterling of Farmers Exchange.
Natalie Frank’s 82-pound grand champion market wether received a bid of $21 a pound from Hamilton Ins. Agency, Kemp Insurance Agency, and Sugarcreek Construction Co. Pictured with Natalie Frank is Ed Rohr of Sugercreek Construction.
Noah Gainey’s 271-pound grand champion hog sold to Kiko Realtors & Auctioneers, Stevens Concrete and Bill Kiko’s Lawn and Landscaping for a record $25 a pound. Pictured from left are Bill Kiko, Noah Gainey, Pat Kiko, and Colleen Stevens.
Jay Chaddock’s 215-pound grand champion hog carcass was sold to Green Lines Transportation for $12 a pound. Pictured with Jay Craddock is Jean Wackerly of Green Lines Transportation.
Natalie Frank’s 138-pound grand champion lamb sold to Paris and Washington Insurance and Pole Barns Direct LLC, Dutchcraft Truss & Metal Inc. for $22 a pound. Pictured from left are Reggie Stoltzfus of Dutchcraft Truss & Metal Inc/Pole Barns Direct, Kelly Palmer of Paris and Washington Insurance, and Natalie Frank.
Tatianna Varner sold her 129-pound grand champion lamb carcass for $16 a pound to Paris and Washington Insurance, Kiko Meats, Ramsey Hoof Trimming, Village Farmhouse, and Wallace Farms Feed Drive Thru. Representing the buyers are, from left, Steve Kiko, Joe Ramsey, Paul Wallace, Kelly Palmer, and Chris Palmer.
Grand champion exhibitor Lindsey Pugh sold her $1,343-pound market beef steer for a record-breaking bid of $20 per pound to Beaver Excavating Co., R.G. Smith Co., and Eslich Wrecking Company. Pictured with Lindsey Pugh are Richard Eslich, Sr., Anna Pugh, Dick Nicely, and John Eslich.
Logan Mercer fetched $3.25 a pound from Paris and Washington Insurance for his 1,197-pound grand champion market beef steer carcass. Pictured are Kelly Palmer of Paris and Washington Insurance and Logan Mercer.
Sarah Shilling’s grand champion wool fetched $200 from Red Star Vet Clinic. Pictured are Dr. Trish Puugh-Pennell and Andy Pennell.
Bryce Snow’s 68-pound reserve champion dairy wether was purchased by PSC Metals for $5 a pound. Pictured with Bryce Snow is David Casalinova of PSC Metals.
Adriana Grimm’s 84-pound reserve champion market wether fetched a $12 a pound bid from PSC Metals. Pictured with Andriana Grimm is David Casalinova of PSC Metals.
Paige Lewis sold her 278-pound reserve champion hog for $20 a pound to Paris and Washington Insurance and Dutchcraft Truss & Metal Inc/Pole Barns Direct. Pictured from left are Reggie Stoltzfus of Dutchcraft Truss & Metal Inc/Pole Barns Direct, Kelly Palmer of Paris and Washington Insurance, and Paige Lewis.
Neva Campbell sold her 234-pound reserve champion hog carcass to Oldewood Ltd. for 3.75 a pound. Pictured with Neva Campell is Tommy Sancic of Oldewood Ltd.
Lindsey Pugh sold her 140-pound reserve champion lamb to Eslich Wrecking for $23 a pound. Pictured from left are Elizabeth Eslich, Richard Eslich, and Lindsey Pugh.
Ryan Ehlers’s reserve champion lamb carcass fetched a $10 per pound bid from buyers Miller & Company, Biery Cheese, Beaver Excavating Co., and Johannings Inc. Pictured with Ryan Ehlers is Curtis Bates of Johannings, Inc. and Steve Kiko representing the other buyers.
Sara Klem’s 1,278-pound reserve champion market beef steer sold to Paris and Washington Insurance, Enviroscapes, Biery Cheese, Kreighbaum-Sanders FH, Kiko Meats, Umbarger Feeds – Cliff Linder, Klehm Cattle Company, and George and Becky Kiko for $12.50 a pound. Pictured with Sara Klem are Cliff Linder, Victoria Mauer, Ben Biery, Kelly Palmer, Anna Pugh, Todd Pugh, Darrell Klehm, and Ron Kiko.
Alexandra Mauer sold her 1,422-pound reserve champion market beef steer carcass to Bill Eyer, Creekview Acres, and Monter Excavating for $4.25 a pound.
Sarah Shilling recieved a bid of $200 from Wells Family Farm for her reserve champion wool. Pictured with Sarah Shilling is Dale Wells.