A roundup of 4-H news for the week of July 17, 2014


BURTON, Ohio — Geauga PrimeTime 4-H Club met June 17 to discuss preparation for the upcoming Skillathon.

There were 30 minute species meetings to help the younger and less experienced members learn what they need to pass Skillathon. Also at the meeting a committee was formed to help find a gift for the buyers to go into the buyers’ packet for the sale. Some members will be at the Russell Farmer’s Market from 8:30 a.m.- noon July 12 to raise awareness of the livestock sale; there is also a car wash from noon to 3 p.m. at the Middlefield Fire Station on the same day. Members are reminded that 10 buyers’ letters are due at the July 15 meeting.

Pictures for the buyers board are also due at the meeting. Make sure you and your animal are clean and the pic is taken landscape! The meeting will start at 7 p.m. The livestock sale is with the small animal sale to begin at 2:30 p.m. and the large animal sale will be held after that.

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BURTON, Ohio — The Geauga Dairymen 4-H club has been busy! The club held meetings June 6 and June 30 at Hastings Dairy. Eight members, two advisors and parents attended these club meetings. The club discussed the theme for the County Fair dairy basket which will be “Dairy is Udderly Delicious.”

Ideas about what to include in the basket were discussed. Members reviewed t-shirt and sweatshirt designs then decided to purchase these items with the club name to wear during the fair. Also discussed was the booth decorations for the fair and writing letters to potential buyers of our dairy basket. After the business meeting, club members worked on their project books and practiced for skill-a-thon July 19. Club members interacted with heifers at the dairy and reviewed how to put on a rope halter. The members spend time each week working with their dairy animals to prepare for the Geauga County Fair.

The next club event will be a family pot-luck, pool party and meeting July 19.

For more information about Geauga Dairyman 4-H Club, contact Emma Niehus at 440-221-3812.

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