Kentucky moves ahead to create an oversight board system for livestock


SALEM, Ohio — The Bluegrass State now has a newly created Livestock Care Standards Commission and the Kentucky Equine Health and Welfare Council.


The Kentucky Livestock Care Standards Commission will establish ideals governing the care and well-being of on-farm livestock and poultry. It also prohibits local governments from having livestock or poultry standards that exceed the standards of the state commission.

The board will include a total of 14 members, of which nine will be appointed by the governor.

The members will include the Kentucky commissioner of agriculture; dean of the University of Kentucky College of Agriculture; chair of the Animal Control Advisory Board; director of either the University of Kentucky Livestock Disease Diagnostic Center or Murray State University’s Brehitt Veterinary Center; representation from the Kentucky Farm Bureau; citizen at large; individual selected by Kentucky Veterinary Medical Association; representative selected by the Kentucky County Judge/Executive Association; representation from the five livestock organizations; and the state veterinarian.


Missouri is also gearing up to fight special interest groups that may push their agendas on the livestock industry.

House Agribusiness Committee Chairman Brian Munzlinger, of Williamstown, is sponsoring H.B. 2291, creating the Missouri Animal Care Advisory Committee.

It would make recommendations to the legislature on possible policy changes in the poultry, livestock, and licensed dog breeding industries.

The group would consist of experts from state universities, the state veterinarian, and representatives from various agriculture groups like the cattlemen’s association or pork association.


Meanwhile, the state of Idaho has also been debating the issue of animal welfare. A bill sponsored by state Sen. Tim Corder got caught up in politics, however, and stalled in a House committee before it could create a livestock commission.


Back closer to Ohio, Indiana passed legislation in February to give ultimate power in deciding standards for livestock and poultry care to the existing Board of Animal Health. The governor signed the legislation in March.