Learn the secrets of organic farming


BUTLER, Pa. – The Pennsylvania Association for Sustainable Agriculture will be hosting an evening field walk at Misera’s Organic Farm May 15 in Butler.
Steve Misera and his family have been farming organically since 1998 and have farmed on their current land since 2000. They raise organic chickens, eggs, corn, soybeans, wheat, oats and hay, and are working on getting certification for their new beef operation.
Tour. The tour begins at 4:30 p.m. with a quick dinner featuring grass-fed burgers and sides. Then participants will turn their attention to learning how to use the results of cover crop research on the farm.
With assistance from Penn State researcher Ron Hoover and on-farm research assistant Michele Gauger, Misera fall-seeded rye, wheat, oats, hairy vetch and Austrian winter pea to see how varying seeding rates and combinations of these species will impact the production of the following field corn.
Misera will lead a tour of his field crop, poultry and recently added grass-fed beef enterprises. Participants will see the various cover crops in the field and Hoover and Gauger will share biomass yield data and other observations about cover crops.
Details. The cost of the event is $10 for association members and $15 for all others, handouts and dinner included.
To register, visit www.pasafarming.org or call 814-349-9856.