Learn to manage small-farm manure issues with help from panel of experts


MANHATTAN, Kan. — The term “small farm” can bring to mind anything from a couple of horses on several acres to a family dairy or feedlot.

All small farms that raise livestock share the common challenge to properly manage manure with limited time and money.

Extension specialists from across the United States will share information with the public in an hour-long seminar on manure management challenges for small farms, information to help with environmental issues and how to develop a nutrient management plan.

The webcast, sponsored by the Livestock and Poultry Environmental Learning Center, a part of Extension, at 1:30 p.m. (Central Standard Time) June 20.


Webcast presenter Chris Henry is a University of Nebraska Extension engineer. He is the director of the Livestock Producer Environmental Assistance Project, which provides technical and financial assistance to small livestock producers interested in protecting water quality.

Mark Rice is a waste management Extension specialist with North Carolina State University. He has worked on livestock and poultry environmental stewardship issues for small farms.

Michael Westendorf is an associate professor of animal studies at Rutgers University in New Jersey. He develops research-based and practical solutions to the problems of farmers and society.

Fred Kelly is a resource conservationist with the U.S. Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service. His responsibilities include nutrient management, erosion control, agronomy and pest management.


The Web “meeting room” opens 15 minutes before the start time. Participants can go to http://connect.Extension.iastate.edu/lpelc/ to view the webcast.

The webcasts are approved for one continuing education unit (each) as part of the Certified Crop Advisers program and for members of the American Registry of Professional Animal Scientists.

To access continuing education units, go to www.Extension.org/animal+manure+management and click on “Continuing Education.”

‘Extension’ becomes national effort

MANHATTAN, Kan. — The Livestock and Poultry Environmental Learning Center is part of a new nationwide effort called Extension.

Extension is an educational partnership designed to help Americans improve their lives with access to timely, objective, research-based information and educational opportunities. Its Web site, www.Extension.org, is customized with links to local Cooperative Extension Web sites.

Land-grant colleges were founded on the ideals that higher education should be accessible to all; that colleges should teach liberal and practical subjects; and share knowledge with people throughout their states.

Best resources

Extension’s Livestock and Poultry Environmental Center advocates that individuals involved in public policy issues, animal production and delivery of technical services for confined animal systems should have on-demand access to the nation’s best science-based resources.

The center has a monthly newsletter to which anyone can subscribe online.

All information, including archived monthly webcasts from the past year, is on www.Extension.org under the resource area animal manure management.