Reader: What is going on with exotic animal issue?



I read the recent letter-to-the-editor regarding exotic animal ownership and wondered what happened with that issue.

It’s apparent that Farm Bureau threw the exotic animal people under the bus on that issue.

Further, in reading Joe Cornely’s response, it appears that he does a great job of talking in circles.

If you are a Farm Bureau member, this is the season for policy development. Why not write a policy regarding this issue? Get it back on the table.

If your not a member, join in and fight for what you believe.

I have already written a policy and sent it in to the office. What are you doing?

Richard Hill

Medina, Ohio

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  1. First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out–
    Because I was not a Socialist.

    Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out–
    Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

    Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out–
    Because I was not a Jew.

    Then they came for me–and there was no one left to speak for me.

  2. Why would an exotic animal owner pay dues to the Ohio Farm Bureau Why would a Farmer Pay dues to the Ohio Farm Bureau Mr Fisher and Mr. Pacelle are great friends Good friends look out after friends
    Wayne rubs Jack’s back In return Jack rubs Wayne’s back two peas in a pod

  3. Well Richard Hill I can tell you want I am not going to do Give the Ohio Farm Bureau any of my money for dues Why would any farm be so dumb to give them a dime Why give a PETA loving group money to kill the Ohio Farmer or animal owner Why would you give them a any money for dues

  4. Why is the OFB involved any way,what do they have to do with exotic animals,they are not just don’t make sense to me at all.

  5. It won’t do much good to write another policy when Ohio Farm Bureau deliberately goes against the policy they already have. We’ll just end up with TWO policies that they’ll ignore. The policy that I wrote and took to the annual (state) meeting when I was a Farm Bureau delegate from Miami County states: “…We recognize that animals are personal property and we oppose legislation and/or ballot initiatives that, unless clear abuse is evident, restricts the private ownership or use of animals or that inhibits free trade of any animal provided it meets Ohio Department of Agriculture testing and import requirements…”
    That policy passed, and can still be found in OFBF’s 2012 Policy Manual, Section 13: Commodities, Animal Care, Section 301. I can’t remember the year it passed, but it was in the 1990’s and has been on the books ever since. Farm Bureau wants to dance around the issue and quote Section 302 that was adopted later, which says “We support more specific regulations governing the housing, care and movement of exotic animals by private individuals.”
    Nobody argues that exotic animals may require some additional/specific housing/care/movement regulations, but that does not equal a BAN on ownership of these animals. A ban directly opposes Farm Bureau’s policy #301 stated above.

  6. The Problem is The Ohio Farm Bureau don’t want to admit it sold out animal owners across the state The Ohio Farm Bureau doesn’t want the people of Ohio to know that they have teamed up with the Humane Society and PETA and Mercy for Animals The Problem is Ohio Farm Bureau don’t want to admit is could careless about the animal owner in this state Just as long as The Animal Rights groups are feed them money Any Farmer that raises livestock that thinks The Ohio Farm Bureau has their back is a fool


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