Mo. dairyman Randy Mooney named DFA chairman


KANSAS CITY, Mo. — Dairy Farmers of America’s board of directors has elected Missouri dairyman Randy Mooney to the position of chairman.

Mooney succeeds Tom Camerlo, who died in December.

Also at the election meeting, the board named Wayne Palla first vice chair.

Mooney is chair of National Milk Producers Federation and serves on the boards of several dairy organizations, including Missouri Dairy Association, Missouri State Milk, Southern Marketing Agency, Dairy Cooperative Marketing Association, Milk Processor Education program and Dairy Promotion, Inc.

Palla, of Clovis, N.M., previously served as vice chair of the milk marketing co-op’s board.

He is on the National Milk Producers Federation board and the U.S. Dairy Export Council.

The complete slate of elected board officers also includes:

Mickey Childers, Somerville, Ala., newly elected as a board officer and vice chair; Tom Croner, Berlin, Pa., who will continue his roles as secretary/treasurer; Jerrel Heatwole, Greenwood, Del., who will continue serving as vice chair of the board; George Mertens, Sonoma, Calif., vice chair; and Bill Siebenborn, Trenton, Mo., vice chair.

In addition, two new directors took seats on the board as a result of recent elections in their areas. They are Eugene Robertson of Pine Grove, La., and Pete Olsen of Fallon, Nev.