New veterinarians practicing in Ky. can get loans repaid


LOUISVILLE, Ky. — Kentucky Farm Bureau‘s Education Foundation is seeking participants in the Kentucky Large/Food Animal Veterinary Incentive Program, which may repay up to $6,000 annually of student loans for eligible vets, vet technicians or technologists.

Recipients must be in the first or second year of practice in Kentucky and working in a practice that devotes at least half of its time to large/food animals.

Applicants must have either a degree in veterinary medicine from an accredited college or university or have completed an accredited two-year veterinary technician or four-year technologist program.

Applications can be obtained at and must be returned postmarked by Dec. 1 to Scholarship Coordinator, KFB Education Foundation, 9201 Bunsen Parkway, PO Box 20700, Louisville, KY 40250-0700.

The 2010 recipients will be announced Jan. 30.


Kentucky Farm Bureau is administering the program on behalf of the Kentucky Cattlemen’s Foundation, which launched the initiative after receiving a $100,000 donation for the purpose of encouraging large animal practice in the state. The Kentucky Agricultural Development Board later approved a $1 million investment for the program.

Under guidelines approved by the Ag Development Board, the loan forgiveness program will operate for 11 years on the interest earned off the $1 million, which eventually will be returned.

Meanwhile, the Kentucky Cattlemen’s Foundation and other farm groups will seek matching funds for the future operation of the program.