CALDWELL, Ohio – Nearly 500 lots crossed the auction block in the Noble County Fair market livestock sale Sept. 1, earning a total of $253,296.95 for the county’s 4-H and FFA exhibitors.
Steer sale. Junior fair queen Ellen Schott rounded out a successful fair week by showing the grand champion market steer. Her 1,225-pound steer sold for $7.25 a pound to Bruner Land Company.
This year’s fair king was Michael Brown; junior fair senior princess was Sarah Spence; and junior fair princess was Sami Schott.
Tabitha Saling raised the reserve champion, a 1,147-pound steer, which sold for $3 a pound to McDonald’s of Caldwell.
The 17 steers averaged $2,135.36 per head.
In the steer show, Paige Harding was the county champion in beef showmanship. Matthew Johnson’s 1,206-pound steer was the rate-of-gain winner, gaining 2.76 pounds per day.
Lambs. Ellen Schott returned to the champions’ circle with her 140-pound lamb that took grand champion honors. Barnesville Livestock, Arrowhead Boer Goats, Cambridge Carpet, Granville Milling and Leatherwood Trucking bought the lamb for $6.75 a pound.
Schott also earned sheep showmanship honors.
Katrina Harper’s 140-pound reserve champion lamb topped the grand champion, selling for $7.85 a pound to the Singer Sunoco and Subway.
The 75 market lambs averaged $279.42.
Brandon Baker’s 132-pound lamb was rate-of-gain winner, with an average daily gain of 0.84 pounds per day.
$10 hog. Bethann Gibson’s 269-pound market hog topped the other 152 entries in the junior fair swine show to win grand champion honors.
Mark Mondo Building and Excavating bought the grand champion for $10 a pound.
Allison Carpenter’s reserve champion hog, weighing 266 pounds, sold for $6.10 a pound.
The hogs averaged $516.70 per head.
Nick Wells won swine showmanship honors.
Feeder calves. Jesse Wikander sold his 554-pound grand champion dairy feeder calf to Baker & Sons Equipment for $2.25 a pound.
The reserve champion, raised by Paige Saling, sold to Bruner Land Co. of $2.45 a pound. Saling’s calf was the rate-of-gain winner, gaining an average of 2.79 pounds per day.
Further on down the sale, Vadakin Inc. bid $4.50 and $5.50 a pound for two feeder calf heifers shown by Logan Cline.
The 73 feeder calves averaged $1,109.43.
Goats. The grand champion market goat, raised by Zachary Baker, sold to Worl Thompson Motors for $550. The reserve champion, shown by Sara Leasure, sold for $750 to Ed and Ben Schafer, auctioneers.
The 58 goats averaged $266.72.
Paige Saling was the county grand champion in goat showmanship; Tabitha Saling was the reserve county goat showmanship champion. Tabitha also won showman of showmen honors.
Dakota Ginn’s 92-pound goat was rate-of-gain winner, adding .51 pounds per day.
Rabbits. This year’s fair drew a whopping 96 pens of market rabbits. Casey Teters raised the grand champion pen, which sold for $600 to Southeastern Equipment. Michaela Warner’s reserve champion pen sold for $400 to Colgate Palmolive.
The pens averaged $178.13.
Showmanship winner in the rabbit show was Jennifer Martin.
Poultry. Alicia Parcell raised the grand champion pen of meat chickens, which sold for $575 to Jim Rogers Agency/Nationwide Insurance. Kayla Parcell, Alicia’s sister, raised the reserve champion pen, which sold for $400 to Kinetic Networking.
The 17 pens averaged $201.47.
Justin Woodworth was the county poultry showmanship champion.
Supporting cast. Auctioneers who donated their time included Ben Schafer, Eli Schafer, Ed Schafer, Jake West and Randy Clark.
During the sale, Randy Baker set the floor price on hogs at $1.50 a pound; the Noble County Service Club set a goat floor of $150 per head and a sheep sale floor of $1.60 a pound.
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