Nominations open for outstanding ag worker

a blue tractor moves across a field of green, mowing hay
Chris Wagoner mows hay May 25, 2023 on the family farm in Darlington, Pennsylvania. (Kevin Shanahan photo)

HARRISBURG — For the first time, the Pennsylvania State Council of Farm Organizations, alongside the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture, will recognize an outstanding agricultural workforce.

The award will acknowledge front line workers in the state who produce and process safe food for Pennsylvania and others. To be eligible for the award, nominees must be a frontline field and/or livestock worker which includes H-2A, seasonal workers, meat packaging workers and food processing workers. Nominees must also show determination in their work and contribute in a positive way to the company/operations.

In addition to the award, the awardee will get the opportunity to attend Ag Progress Days or the annual Farm Show. The nomination form must be completed by April 12. To apply, visit