Obama announces details of heavy-duty vehicles fuel efficiency standards program


WASHINGTON — Recently President Obama met with industry officials to discuss the first-of-their-kind fuel efficiency and greenhouse gas pollution standards for work trucks, buses and other heavy duty vehicles and to thank them for their leadership in finalizing a successful national program for these vehicles.

This meeting marks the administration’s announcement of the standards, which will save American businesses that operate and own these commercial vehicles approximately $50 billion in fuel costs over the life of the program.


The U.S. Department of Transportation and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency developed the standards in close coordination with the companies that met with the president today as well as other stakeholders, following requests from companies to develop this program.

The cost savings for American businesses are on top of the $1.7 trillion that American families will save at the pump from the historic fuel-efficiency standards announced by the Obama Administration for cars and light duty trucks, including the model year 2017-2025 agreement announced by the president recently.

“While we were working to improve the efficiency of cars and light-duty trucks, something interesting happened,” said Obama. “We started getting letters asking that we do the same for medium and heavy-duty trucks. They were from the people who build, buy and drive these trucks.”


Under the comprehensive new national program, trucks and buses built in 2014 through 2018 will reduce oil consumption by a projected 530 million barrels and greenhouse gas pollution by approximately 270 million metric tons.

Like the administration’s historic car standards, this program — which relies heavily on off-the-shelf technologies — was developed in coordination with truck and engine manufacturers, fleet owners, the State of California, environmental groups and other stakeholders.

The joint DOT/EPA program will include a range of targets which are specific to the diverse vehicle types and purposes.


Vehicles are divided into three major categories: combination tractors (semi-trucks), heavy-duty pickup trucks and vans and vocational vehicles (like transit buses and refuse trucks). Within each of those categories, even more specific targets are laid out based on the design and purpose of the vehicle.

This flexible structure allows serious but achievable fuel efficiency improvement goals charted for each year and for each vehicle category and type. The standards are expected to yield an estimated $50 billion in net benefits over the life of model year 2014 to 2018 vehicles, and to result in significant long-terms savings for vehicle owners and operators.


A semi-truck operator could pay for the technology upgrades in under a year and realize net savings of $73,000 through reduced fuel costs over the truck’s useful life. These cost saving standards will also reduce emissions of harmful air pollutants like particulate matter, which can lead to asthma, heart attacks and premature death.

By the 2018 model year, the program is expected to achieve significant savings relative to current levels, across vehicle types. Certain combination tractors — commonly known as big-rigs or semi-trucks — will be required to achieve up to approximately 20 percent reduction in fuel consumption and greenhouse gas emissions by model year 2018, saving up to 4 gallons of fuel for every 100 miles traveled.

For heavy-duty pickup trucks and vans, separate standards are required for gasoline-powered and diesel trucks. These vehicles will be required to achieve up to approximately 15 percent reduction in fuel consumption and greenhouse gas emissions by model year 2018.

Under the finalized standards a typical gasoline or diesel powered heavy-duty pickup truck or van could save one gallon of fuel for every 100 miles traveled.

Vocational vehicles — including delivery trucks, buses, and garbage trucks — will be required to reduce fuel consumption and greenhouse gas emissions by approximately 10 percent by model year 2018. These trucks could save an average of one gallon of fuel for every 100 miles traveled.


  1. Obama needs to go away.This is just another way to stop farmers n ranchers from hauling thier livestock and crops to market. How can I pull a stocktrailor full of cattle with a pickup that would not pull a turtle across the road. The oil and gas co. produce thousands of jobs every year,they put money into towns for school,ect, why is Obama trying to stop this.