Ohio Cattlemen’s Roundup to be held Aug. 27 in Gallia County


THURMAN, Ohio — The Ohio Cattlemen’s Association’s Roundup will take place Aug. 27 in Gallia County.

The program includes an informational session with speakers from the cattle industry and a tour of Champion Hill, an Angus seedstock farm located near Bidwell, Ohio.


The Roundup will begin at the Buckeye Hills Career Center, 351 Buckeye Hills Road, Thurman, with registration starting at 8:30 a.m. Coffee and donuts will be available. The program will begin at 9 a.m.

Dr. Francis Fluharty from The Ohio State University will discuss how to effectively manage this summer’s low quality forages to increase their digestibility.

Following this session, attendees will tour Champion Hill. The farm includes more than 4,000 acres of land stretching throughout Gallia County with over 1,000 cows that include 200 breeding-age registered Angus females and 800 commercial cows, mostly half-blood Angus, which are used as recipients.

Champion Hill markets over 300 females each year in two production sales held in April and October in Bidwell and 200 bulls through a genetic partnership. The farm is managed by Paul and Lynn Hill and herdsman Jon Davis.


Lunch will take place at the Buckeye Hills Career Center and will feature smoked brisket sandwiches. After the meal, an NCBA PAC live auction fundraiser will be held.

Cattle feeding

The afternoon program will feature Tom Brink of JBS Five Rivers Cattle Feeding. Brink’s presentation will focus on developing the kinds of calves that feedlots are seeking.

Five Rivers, based in Greeley, Colo., has a combined feeding capacity of more than 900,000 head of cattle.

Legislative efforts

The roundup will close with an industry update by National Cattlemen’s Beef Association President Bill Donald of Melville, Mont.

In addition to legislative efforts, NCBA is currently fighting against government overreach and the EPA’s efforts to impose regulations that violate the private property rights of cattlemen by regulating dust, run off, greenhouse gases, and land application of manure.

Registration deadline for this event is Aug. 15 and the cost is $20 for OCA members and $30 for non-OCA members. All registrations at the door will be $30.

For more information about the Roundup or to register call the Ohio Cattlemen’s Association at 614-873-6736 or visit the website at www.ohiocattle.org.