Ohio FFA’er Julie Tyson named national officer


LOUISVILLE, Ky. – Julie Tyson of Ashland, Ohio, was named eastern region vice president of the National FFA Organization during the national FFA convention in Louisville, Ky., Nov. 2.

As part of the officer team, Tyson, 19, will travel more than 100,000 miles, meet with top leaders in business and industry, visit approximately 40 states and participate in an international agricultural experience tour to Japan.

OSU sophomore. A sophomore at The Ohio State University, she is pursuing a degree from the College of Food, Agricultural and Environmental Sciences.

Tyson will take a one-year leave from her studies to fulfill the responsibilities associated with her office.

The daughter of Mike and Lora Tyson, she has raised swine and sheep as part of her supervised agricultural experience program. She also completed work in the area of home improvement. She was the 2000-2001 Ohio FFA Association vice president.

Tyson’s FFA advisers are Mark Hoffman and Lindsay Bowen, and she is a member of the Hillsdale FFA Chapter in Jeromesville, Ohio.

About the selection. Nominees must first run on the state level to represent their particular association. Then, they submit an in depth application detailing their accomplishments, contributions to the community and why they desire to be elected to national office.

Once at the convention, candidates participate in six interviews, attend receptions, take a written test on the organization and agricultural education, and complete a writing exercise. A panel of nine FFA members comprises the nominating committee.

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