Ohio Poultry Association speaks out about HSUS and UEP deal


COLUMBUS — The Ohio Poultry Association released a statement July 7 about the annoucement of a deal between the United Egg Producers and the Humane Society of the United States.

Jim Chakeres, executive vice president, Ohio Poultry Association, said Ohio’s egg farmers are committed to producing safe, affordable and wholesome eggs, while maintaining the highest level of care for our hens. 

 “We have been aware that discussions were occurring about a national solution on how egg-laying hens are housed, but we have only just begun to review the language proposed in this national agreement. Our intention first is to review it with our members to ensure it is the right approach for Ohio’s egg farmers and to determine its potential impact on the farmers that we represent.

He added Ohio is a leader in farm animal care, as was evidenced in the creation of the Ohio Livestock Care Standards Board (the Board).  Through the Board’s work, this summer Ohio will be the first state in the nation to establish comprehensive standards for the care of egg-laying hens.

“Additionally, Ohio has demonstrated its leadership in finding common ground with the animal rights community. Ohio’s landmark 2010 agreement between the farm community and the Humane Society of the United States allows all of us to focus on our shared commitment to ensuring excellent care of Ohio’s farm animals.  That commitment remains firm even as discussion of a national agreement continues.

See what’s in the HSUS/United Egg Producers’ animal care proposal



  1. While all improvements in the care and husbandry of farm animals is commendable, I have my sincere doubts about any hand-holding with the HSUS…since their basic agenda is NO ANIMAL USE. It seems to me that those who work with poultry and cattle and pigs are more knowledgeable about what is appropriate care than those who sit in an office in DC and opine about animal welfare while never having shoveled any manure, medicated any calves, or handled horses. Therefore, I would think that between the good farmers and the university farm research folks, there should be some means for coming to the best possible care for farm animals. No need to involve HSUS who simply use the issue to draw dollars from the pockets of the compassionate members of the public.

  2. we have met the enemy and it is us.. Pogo.. leave the HSUS, an animal rights groups whose eventual goal is the elimination of all animal agriculture, out of it. Their bullying and threats will grow weaker as more people are made aware of the true agenda and that is making animal products too expensive for the consumer and too restrictive for the farmer/rancher. Their “crowing” about this agreement is only bringing more money into their coffers which will be used again animal agriculture in the future. Their promises are false ones and ones that they have no intention of keeping. Mr Pacelle may say the HSUS will “give up undercover videos” but that will not stop the minions of other groups and he knows that. False Promises are made to be broken

  3. You would think that would be the case but it is not necessarilly true. I have a bird’s eye view of the North Preston site of Park Farms as it set up busioness 500 feet directly west of my home. The employees and for the past 23 years there have been turnstyle managers coming and going, are not well paid and while they may mean to do a good job, initially, perhaps the stench, of sodium chloride, methane and ammonia which is emitted gets to them too. Every realtor in Stark oounty has had our home listed for 20 years but no one wants to buy it due to the neighborhood brought to it. Tbe Stark Health Board who was for many years in charge of this looked the other way on all violations due to the power of the Pastores. I noted to them chickkens coming from the fan vents and they investigared the incident three months later. Any complaint that was filed against these nice folks was always treated with kid gloves. All faremrs should have this type of treatment!

  4. It’s nice to see the exec vp of opa admit he still abides by the “agreement” that he signed outside his state policy and threw the animal owners outside of farming under the hsus bus. Thanks to him many of us had put out additional money to house our animals seperatly until the ban was allowed to expire. Thanks Jim we appreciated being your bargaining chip to further your career.

  5. Ohio poulty farmer beware Mr. Chakeres will sell you out again like he did in August 2010 with HSUS. If he’s your leader you can bet he has a knife in your back He sold out all animal owners in ohio You can bet he has HSUS stuck up his vent.

  6. There is something else to note here. IF the federal government passes legislation that regulates egg laying chickens and the HSUS doesn’t LIKE those regulations, considering them too lenient or whatever, then the HSUS SUES the USDA to FORCE them to make changes. Folks, this has happened before with the HSUS suing government agencies over federal regulations regarding birds and animals and the USDA just FOLDS up and agrees. Suddenly, the law which was passed by Congress has had its intent changed by this lawsuit. What Congress intended no longer matters and new regulations will be created to more closely fit the ideas of the HSUS. This has happened on at least two laws…the AWA and the WBCA. So, federal regulation on any animal issues is NOT a good idea…it simply opens the door which allows the HSUS to gain ground in their effort to control, restrict and eventually eliminate all animal uses.

  7. Ohio Reptile People here is the one of the people that sold you out to HSUS and is very proud of what he did Mr. Jim Chakeres, executive vice president, Ohio Poultry Associations A poultry person taken away Snake owners rights WHAT GIVES HIM THE RIGHT CALL AND ASK HIM 614-882-7356 HOW MANY MORE ANIMAIL WILL HE BE ALOUD TO TAKE FROM ARE HOMES TO PLEASE HSUS